My son is 8.5 and I purchased Print to Cursive for him. Regardless of posture and paper placement, he is struggling with copying. He really doesn’t enjoy it at all. I think he needs more step-by-step letter formation instruction.
I’m using the same program with my leftie, but he is a bit older (5th grade). We held off on cursive because he struggled with manuscript writing. He is having no trouble with it now.
I used Cheerful Cursive with my oldest child and it has quite a bit more letter formation help. It may be what you are looking for.
My oldest dd (11yo) is a lefty. I used Memoria Press’ New American Cursive with her for just one book and then switched to PenTime Cursive. We liked the New American best, but at $22 per book, I couldn’t justify it.
My daughter is a leftie. She is almost 14 and really wants to have beautiful handwriting but struggles in this area. There is a handwriting curriculum especially for lefties on Amazon-I think it’s called writing skills for lefties or something like that.
I’m looking into Barchowsky’s handwriting curriculum myself. They have free videos on their website about teaching handwriting to lefties.
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