teaching "birds & bees" with purity?

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  • tandc93

    Our 12 year old is having questions and thoughts that we want to address.  I’m looking at 2 “curriculum” for this and wanted to see if anyone had any advice/suggestions.

    I’m looking at Passport2Purity (Dennis and Barbara Rainey) and Preparing for Adolescence (Dobson).  Anyone have any experience with either of these?



    I haven’t yet, but I have had 4 friends recommend Passport2Purity.  They did the whole weekend thing and everything with their kids and they all really enjoyed it.



    I actually did not use curriculum with my daughters.  I just answered their questions as they came up – my mother had done that with me, so I was very comfortable about talking with them.  I started when they were 11 and the doctor said they were likely to start periods early as I had done so.  So we discussed that, then whenever questions came up we talked about it.  There has never really been a lesson, just nice conversations, stressing purity and the reasons for it, both health and emotional reasons.  The girls are now 18 and we still talk about things we read about and see on news programs.  It has been very relaxed and stress free, with little or no embarrassment.  They do not have boyfriends, nor at this stage are they interested in having one, they are really into their hobbies and activities and want to wait before starting into anything like that.  If you prefer curriculum though I have heard both choices are very good.  Good luck and blessings.


    I just wanted to comment that I personally have not used Dobson’s program but had a family who homeschools and Christian.. and 1/2 way through the weekend stopped.  They didn’t like the talk or where it was going.  Take that for what you will.

    We personally start talking (read or not) to our kids as soon as they ask.  But at 10yrs we actually will sit down with them and dad reads from a books called Listen my Son (I think that’s it) but it’s a Catholic little books that the dad’s read to the kids (and there’s one from daughter to mother).  They are very good and leave lots of room for discussion.  Also I think with being pregnant (or others who might be) that always helps to start a conversation .. even with the simple like hints like “Isn’t it great that Mr and Mrs Marshall are having a baby.  It is so great to see when 2 people who love eachother and are married are having children the way God intended.”  We like to just say these things to remind them of God’s plan.

    Good luck on your journey! Misty

    Rachel White

    I have the Queen Homeschool materials-G-d’s Plan for Growing Up Series. My dd hasn’t asked many questions yet, but my son, the ever inquisitive one, is the reason I got them. I didn’t like the more mainstream popular Christian sex ed. materials out there as I thought they gave too much too soon and had imagination enhancing drawings, if that makes any sense; my son didn’t need to see a baby being born at age eight, IMO. He has read throught he boy to man book and the Baby book from them.

    I like them alot, they are very clear, in Black and White, simple drawings; very basic, G-d Honoring, Marriage honoring; A starter book I say, then move forward from there. I also don’t plan on a “curriculum” per say, but use whole books written to encourage purity and modesty (there are several on the Queen site). I also just talk about things as they come up.

    Two other books I came across are “The Miracle of Change” and “The Miracle of LIfe” by AMi Loper. I haven’t read them yet, but they are next on my list and are directed towards pre-adolescent age. There’s one other recommendation I came across a couple of weeks ago that I will look for as it looked real good.




    We used Preparing for Adolesence wtih our oldest, and loved it.


    Well, a little more detail about how we do things.


    We start answering questions as they arise (in an age appropriate manner).  Whenever kids-no matter what age-asked what the different parts of their body are called we have always given them the correct terminology.  As the kids got older we continued to answer their questions.  We incorporated Dobson’s program after we had the sex talk with our oldest.  We didn’t do the weekend idea, my husband and oldest just sit down together and listen to the c.d. and talk about it, and go over the work book when they can fit it into their schedule.  We started it when he turend 13.  Our middle just started asking questions about sex, and so my husband sat down and talked to him about it, and we have a book that he is reading called “How You Are Changing,” it’s for 8 to 11 year olds and part of series of books for little kids all the way up to high school that talks about sex and puberty in age appropriate ways.  When this one reaches 13 my husband will do the Preparing for Adolesence with him, as well. 

    Our oldest actually came to my husband and thanked him for doing it with him.

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