Teaching an adult to read

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  • through an outreach program at our church I have the opportunity to teach a 50 year old sweet lady how to read.She wants to be able to read the Bible.Does anyone have any advice on this? I have taught my children how to read but don’t know if I should use things that might be too childish? Do you know of any adult reading programs I can use?


    All I know of is the Victory Drill Book. It was originally written for remedial work. Also, you could check with the Literacy Council (I imagine the library could direct you to it). However, I’m not sure what the materials are like now because it’s been 20 years since I volunteered.

    All that aside, I am very touched by this. Her humility and desire for the Lord are inspiring – and what a sweet servant spirit you have!




    Like CindyS said, check with your local literacy council. I was a literacy volunteer years (many years) ago and I remember taking free training classes with the literacy council. I originally wanted to teach adults like the woman you described, but I ended up teaching English to refugees.

    Since she wants to read the Bible, I would make sure to read at least something from the Bible with her every session, even if the reading is too difficult for her.

    Thanks for sharing your story. It really made my day to read it.

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