My son is 6 and advanced in many areas and does well listening to read alouds and narration. However, he was a reluctant reader until recently. Now he is curious about environmental print and I’ve started doing one or two word family paint chip cards per day where we go through all the consonants, blends and digraphs with the same ending sound. He loves to rhyme. Sometimes he’s reluctant to do these cards other times he flies through.
Shall I keep doing this and follow his lead or should I try something like 100 Easy Lessons? I really want him to be a strong reader and have been trying to be patient. I’m a little afraid that he will always prefer *listening* to books rather than reading himself. I *love* reading to him so that’s not the issue. I guess I don’t want my love of reading time and his reluctance to create a lazy reader or hinder him in any way. I struggle between “giving him time” and stepping up the lessons which I would keep short btw. I have noticed that when he is *ready* he will learn things very quickly. How do you know when to push a little harder? Ack.
My daughter will be 6 next week. We started with Pathway Readers (thanks, Sonya). The nice part about the First Steps book is I read the story, then she continues with a simpler version. She’s still read to, but she’s also expected to read her part too. I was unsure about this approach at first, but she’s really taken with it and wants to read more. She tried to get out of her reading before we started this book. I don’t know anything about the 100 EZ lessons. We used a combo of Fun Tales and Nora Gaydos Readers before.
We have used Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons with much success! My ds5 has been reading for almost a year, and we started the book when he was 4. He caught on very quickly, and many days, we found ourselves doing more than one lesson. I am a little over half-way thru the book w/ my dd4. She has had no issues with the lessons themselves, however, getting her to stay focused is a different story. Once she really focuses, she gets through it with no problems.
I think if I can use that book to teach 2 four-year-olds to read, you could definitely see success with your six-year-old. My son is almost six now, and he can easily pick up almost any book and read it himself. I still have to help him with challenging words like “special” or “Egypt” but he’s definitely a successful reader in my opinion!
I love 100 Easy Lessons, used it with 5 dc so far when they were about 5 years old. It is just so easy for them and me. I have an emerging reader he is gonna be 6 in Feb. He is the latest starter, just didn’t think he was ready. Have 10 dc and will use for all of them. One book lasts…..and lasts…… As far as a “strong reader” I don’t think it matters how one is taught to read, it matters how much they enjoy and if they enjoy —- they read alot and become “strong” readers.
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