task cards – history (incl Canadian), science, art/composer…really cool

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  • mrsmccardell

    Check out http://shop.creekedgepress.com/ and see their amazing task cards.  They are designed for independent work for the older chld or family work for younger ones.  We have all of the history and science cards and they are very CM, Classical and Montessori based.  They come with a wonderful how-to manual incl books to read.  

    I just wanted to pass the info along to anyone that may be interested.  


    I have a friend looking for something just like this. Thank you for sharing.


    There are samples in the gallery.


    There are samples on this page : http://www.creekedgepress.com/Gallery.php

    I saw a couple Canadian history cards on page 4.


    I think you can complete it as you see fit for your family.  For example, Life Science starts with animals, human body, plants.  There are about 6 checkboxes per card so that you can do 3 boxes a week (so 1 card over 2 weeks) if you have younger ones.  Otherwise, they say 1 card per week.  Here is a link to all the individual category scope/sequence and book lists. http://www.creekedgepress.com/At_Creek_s_Edge.html

    These are a gentle way to introduce science if you wanted to really just use books and not follow a heavy-duty teacher manual.  You just pick up a card and they are very open-ended.  

    Here is Life Science card #1 Animals

    -explore and think about living and non-living things.

    -list the features of living and non-living things.

    -make a booklet that shows living (tree, for example) and non-living (rock, for example) things.

    -sketch 2 plants

    -sketch 2 animals

    -list something distinctive about humans.

    I’m planning on using some of the science cards this summer…and you don’t need to use them in order if you don’t care to.  Just have your child pick a card for the next week so you have time to gather the books.  It’s really ideal to introduce using research tools.  Okay, I’m done unless more questions come!  Cool

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