Tapestry of Grace and Genisis thru Deut. study??

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    Hi! I am so very excited about the new edition:)
    I was wondering if you would recommend me continuing my Tapestry of Grace while incorporating your program! I love Tapestry(even though it always takes tons of time to use) because of its Bible content running along with World history. It seems your study has an even bigger biblical focus! Are you familiar with TOG? I would love to use both but I don’t want to get over loaded. I thought of using your program first and than going back to my TOG but it sees that your program is meant to run 6 years, right? Does the family actually read through the whole Bible together during that time? Thanks for all your help and ministry!!!



    I have been looking at TOG and trying so hard to decide between starting TOG year 1 or doing SCM Genisis thru Deut.  I actually posted a question to this forum a month ago asking if I should use TOG and SCM at the same time.   I haven’t actually ever used TOG, but I LOVE the way everything looks after downloading the sample weeks.  So, I have spent about three weeks looking over the TOG book list for year 1, praying and trying to decide what to do. 

    Basically module 1, 2 and 3 of SCM equals year 1 of TOG.  TOG packs all of their ancient history into year 1, whereas SCM spreads it out over three years.  I like the fact that SCM spreads it out, this way you get to really dig into a time period and stay with it for the entire year.  Also, it looks like you definitely read a lot more of the bible in SCM.  My kids are young, grades 2 and 4, and I want them to read the bible chronologically so they can develop a solid foundation and knowledge of the bible.  I LOVE that SCM has lots and lots of bible reading along with the history and this is one of my main attractions to it. It looks to me like you pretty much read the entire bible by the end of the cycle.

    With that being said, I really like the book list at TOG.  I think they have lots of great books for year 1.  I also love the discussion questions, teachers notes, and all they have to offer for the dialectic and rhetoric stages.

    My kids are both still in the grammar stage (LG and UG) and right now I don’t feel that they need all of what TOG has to offer.  

    I have decided to do Gen through Deut this year, but I am incorporating some of the books from the TOG book list to our reading.  I plan on using SCM for the next three years, covering all of Ancient history (Egypt, Greece, Rome) and adding books from TOG along the way.  I like having an easy schedule while the kids are young, being able to enjoy things like nature study and art.  

    when we are finished with our three years of SCM, I plan on starting year 3 of TOG and my kids will then be 5th and 7th grade.  My daughter will still be able to get a full cycle through all 4 years, and my son will get 2 cycles.  I think TOG will be the most important to use in the high school years.  How old are your children?

    So, to kindof answer your question, I don’t think I would try to do both at once.  TOG will cover Egypt, Greece and Rome and SCM will only cover Egypt.  I think it will too hard.  You can always incorporate any of TOG’s books or activities into your studies here and there since you actually have their curriculum guide.  You can always switch back to TOG at a later time if you want.

    I plan on taking it one year at a time. I can always adjust and rearrange as I see fit.  Who knows, I may love SCM and decide not to switch to TOG in the future.  But, at least I have a plan, and to me that’s a big deal.  

    Sorry for the rambling, HTH a bit, at least just knowing that someone else is going through the same decision making comforts me.




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