Taking too long?

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  • We are currently working through Module 2 (Joshua-Malachi) and it seems that each day it is taking us longer than 15-20 minutes to do the lesson.  We will read a paragraph or two and then narrate.  Then continue.  Today, it took us almost an 45+ to get through the lesson.

    Anyone else?  How do I handle it?  Do I just split it up and do 15-20min and then move on in school and come back and finish the rest later?  It seems that this module is a lot longer than module 1.  



    Depends on your kids ages IMO. We are doing Mod 2 and sometimes I use a condensed version for those longer passages for my younger kids to stay connected. ( using The Child’s Story Bible by Caterine Vos is very good!)

    If your kids are older, have them each read one part and narrate. Yes, it does take longer but if they are older it should be ok. Also if you are ready to move on and not have a long sitting with the lesson, you might can tackle part it at nighttime as a dinner devotional with Dad or something. We do this a lot!

    Does this help?

    That does help.  I have The Child’s Story Bible, so maybe I can try that.  My son just turned 7.

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