Taking one step at a time


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  • mrsmccardell

    I am in planning mode and my thoughts are all over the place! I like to write down my goals and gradually add them into our routine. My problem is that I don’t know how to keep track of that. So we’ll add the first goal for morning routines and then as we add our goal for kitchen duty I completely forget about adding the next phase to our morning routine. I need a calendar that I can write in the next step for any particular routine every x weeks but I don’t know how to do that.

    I also have so much I want to do that I’m trying to keep it simple and realistic. Adding things gradually seems to answer this if I can figure out how to do it!

    Any thoughts?


    Are you familar with SCM’s Scripture memory system? I use that system to remind us of our habits too. I simply write the habit on a card and file it as I would a Scripture card. Anything I want to schedule in the future, I add the date of the day I want to move the card to the daily section and file it in the monthly 1-31 section behind the number of the day written on the card. Sometimes I will write a note on a card that says “add weekly new habit card” and file it under Sunday to remind me to make a new card for the week. It’s basically used as my tickler file.


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