TAG your posts. Pretty Please.

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Moms’ Porch TAG your posts. Pretty Please.

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  • Doug Smith

    Another way to think about tags is that they are sort of like an index in a book. Once posts have words or phrases as tags then you can later find all of the posts with a particular tag.

    Also, on the home page of the forum you’ll see a list of “Popular Tags” on the left side. That’s called a “tag cloud”. It lists links to some of the most used tags in alphabetical order. The size indicates how popular each is.


    Sometimes I find exactly what I’m looking for by using the Google search at the bottom rather than through the tags.

    Hope that made sense.


    Just another thought….you can add tags even after the topic has been going for a while.  While we’re thinking about it we could be adding tags to current/older posts that don’t have tags.  This will make it easier to search in the future.  As an example, if you’re checking in on a post about ‘Apologia’ check to see if it’s been tagged with ‘science’ and ‘high school’ and whatever else you think important.


    My3boys – I think that you’re referring to the search box on the left side forum. The two things can work in tandem, i think. By tagging the posts, you get a better thread returns. I think.

    Crazy4boys – good idea!


    Ok, so I’ve been using that search tool on the left in the box, but not getting the best results sometimes.  Are you saying there’s another way to search just using the tags or something like that?


    Anniepeter – Yes you can search by using the tag cloud, but you have to tag the posts for them to be found that way. Tagging helps with the regular search, too, because it is what the search function searches for. Does that make sense?


    Got it!  Thank you!



    Sometimes when I can’t find a post on my topic, I’ll add a wrong tag to any post to act like a search. Click on it and find other posts with that tag. Then I go back to the unrated post which I put the wrong tag on and delete that by clicking the x. I hope I explained that okay. If anyone knows an easier way, please let me know.


    Wow I had no idea about this feature! That unlocks so much of the archives I’ve wondered how to get to! Yeah! I’ll be a diligent tagger from now on. 🙂


    Also, on the home page of the forum you’ll see a list of “Popular Tags” on the left side. That’s called a “tag cloud”. It lists links to some of the most used tags in alphabetical order. The size indicates how popular each is.

    Looking at the tag cloud today, boy-oh-by, we do love us some history, don’t we? Makes me happy…. Smile

    Doug Smith

    Another way to do it instead of adding an incorrect tag, is to put the tag you want to search on at the end of this URL in lower-case:


    So, if you wanted to seach for posts tagged with “History” you would add that to the end, like this:


    If your tag is multiple words then separate them with dashes. For example, “Language Arts” would be like this:


    If you have a hard time remember that, you can click on one of the existing tags as an example and modify it. Or you could bookmark that first URL as a starting point.


    Thanks Doug. That sounds easier and then I don’t have to worry about going back to delete the incorrect tag. I do not have much success with the search feature. Why is that? Does it not search the tags?


    So sorry:) I was using the search bar instead of the tag list, so I was not getting many returns. I’m guilty:)

    Doug Smith

    I do not have much success with the search feature. Why is that? Does it not search the tags?

    The search feature of the forum software we use isn’t so great. We have an update planned that should eventually improve it, though.


    Thanks Doug. I look forward to the update. You guys are great.

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