TAG your posts. Pretty Please.

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  • missceegee

    This is my plea to forum users to tag their posts and tag other posts when commenting on them. It makes the search feature more robust for all of us.

    I also recommend that everyone use the search feature 1st before posting a new thread. Many, many times I find the answer I’m looking for with a quick search. 

    OK, off my soapbox now. 



    I don’t think I’ve been tagging anything. Will start right now. 🙂

    And I agree, if I search I often find the answer I’m looking for. 


    You’re so right, it does seem that everything old is new again… especially when it comes to boxed curriculum discussions. Laughing  I’ll try to be better about tagging!


    OK.  Time to help out the middle-aged lady.  What exactly is up with tags?  I’m not quite sure I “get it.”  When I type out a post, how do I know what to tag it?  What would I tag this one?  “Tags”, presumably.  “Old” and “out-of-touch”??  How many tags can/ought one use?  I’ve never used them, partly because I don’t think I really understand. 


    LOL!  I think you’ve got the idea!  I hadn’t remembered to tag a post yet…till just before seeing theis thread.  Starting to think about it now.  I think you only have to tag a thread if you’re starting it – or adding a new twist to something that might be useful to search another way than what’s already tagged.  And you can use as many as are applicable.  My recent post about exams for high school, I tagged exams and high school b/c it might be of interest in either area.


    Can you even see what a thread has already been tagged with?


    I have done some searching… but only seem to get the last so-many threads…. sometimes I know there was a nolder one, but can’t find it.

    I’ve never tried using the tags (although I do in the bookfinder at times)


    You can see the tags in the upper right of a post page. Basically you tag posts with word that would make a search easier. Anyone can tag a post at any time. If you’re asking about Nesbit or Lamb for Shakespeare, you could tag all 3 words. If you read a post about great courses you could tag that term along with high school history or whatever. It helps the search engine to know what to look for.

    Hope I didn’t step on any toes. It truly is useful though.



     Yes you can see tags in upper right hand corner. You can add tags to in this area.


    ok – so so far, there are no tags on this one?


    The tags on this one are “tags” and “search”


    I added “goofy example” to make it stand out for purposes of this thread. Ideally, it’s like terms you’d put in a google search engine to find something. You’re just defining the search.


    Thank you for this post.  I have never understood the whole tagging thing!  🙂


    ah, ok – thanks for the goofy example…. I didn’t realize the tags and search WERE the tags… lol

    While on this topic, what does “subscribe to topic” do?

    I’m not claiming to be middle aged yet, just computer challenged!


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