Swiss Family Robinson vs Robinson Crusoe?

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  • tlm123

    My 9 yo son wants to study shipwrecks and both of these books came up.  Would anyone recommend one over the other for this particular topic? Or should I read both? Thanks!


    Both books are considered classic.  IMO Robinson  Crusoe has the superior literary merit.  It will be popping up on your list of SCM literature, but later.   Swiss Family is hilarious.  Not intended to be so, but.  It is rather impossible to take the book seriously.  We did enjoy it but howled with laughter all the way through.  Will he be reading them on his own?  Is he a pretty strong reader?


    I read SFR with my 9YO this year. It was a bit difficult for him to read on his own. He did love the book, though. In my opinion, Robinson Crusoe is the more difficult of the two, so you may want to either read-aloud or hold back on that one for a few years.


    He is a very strong reader, very fast.  Reads way above grade level.  We sometimes read a book together aloud then, if he can’t wait for the next reading time together, he may go on reading alone. Thank you for the advice so far!

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