Summer Reading – Suggestions Please?

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  • Tristan

    Hi Everyone! I’m looking to pick one classic book for each of my children to read this summer appropriate to their age/ability as part of their summer reading challenge. I have 9 children from teen to toddler. That means I need a classic to read aloud to the non-readers, a first chapter book, and on up from there to a high difficulty level.

    What are your not to be missed classics? The one book for each age or ability that you think is a must-read classic? (We read plenty of modern fiction, we don’t need any suggestions in that area, thanks!)


    Because of Winn Dixie

    Eragon series

    Pride and Prejudice (older teen)


    Charlotte’s Web

    Trumpet of the Swan

    Amos Fortune

    King Arthur


    Sherlock Holmes

    Treasure Island

    Moby Dick

    Black Beauty

    Pippy Longstocking

    Indian in the Cupboard

    Swiss Family Robinson


    Oliver Twist

    Adventures of Ton Sawyer

    The Odyssey


    Hope this helps! Just a few off the top of my head that my kids have recently read or are on our summer booklist!





    The Little House books

    The Sign of the Beaver

    Understood Betsy

    The Cabin Faced West


    The Secret Garden

    Swiss Family Robinson

    Anne of Green Gables

    Little Britches

    The Girl of the Limberlost

    Little Women

    Huckleberry Finn

    Tom Sawyear

    Pride and Prejudice


    David Copperfield

    A Tale of Two Cities

    I really love Les Miserables but it is looooong! The redemptive story woven through it and the sacrificial love that points to Christ’s sacrifice for us makes it well worth the time IMO. However I still haven’t decided if I will make my daughter read it or not. It might be a book better saved for the more mature.

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