Summer Pursuit

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  • Kelly

    For those of you with girls ages 10 and up, Loving the Lord Ministeries has a Summer Devotions Pursuit beginning on June 1- August 31 to encourage them to spend some time with the Lord this summer. It encourages them to spend 15 minutes each day in reading their Bible, memorizing one verse per week and spending time in prayer. They can have an accountablity friend to touch base with every two weeks. At the end of the summer, the girls send their chart in to the ministry and receive an award for completing the journey. But as Amy says, the best reward is knowing Jesus more. Amy Vest has a wonderful ministry and heart for reaching girls and young women with the gospel. I would encourage you to check it out. It may be something to help your daughters in developing this important discipline in their lives. There are wonderfully uplifting articles on the blog also that not only pertain to young women but us moms too.

    Go to the Summer Pursuit 2014 under the Events link.

    Blessings, Kelly

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