I’m trying to find a book or two for WWI and II, for 10 yr-olds, (5th grade). I was thinking Sergeant York and The Yanks are Coming are probably a little too much for them right now, but I don’t want to just skip it over.
And if you have any suggestions on the War of 1812 or the Spanish American War I’ll take those too!
I was going to suggest the Singing Tree (never miss a Seredy) and The Winged Watchman (this is on my don’t miss list, too.) Also The Chestry Oak by Kate Seredy for WWII.
Worth echoing; Definitely The Singing Tree for WW1 and Snow Treasure for WW2! Also, highly recommend I Am David -though this takes place after WW2, it gives a feel during the time of concentration camps. Gotta love historical fiction!!