Suggestions for Readers – similar level to Frog and Toad, etc.

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  • MamaSnow

    Does anyone have suggestions for more readers on approx. a 2nd grade level that I can give my dd for independent reading? My dd is currently reading books like Amelia Bedelia, Frog and Toad, etc. We’ve read through most of the books on the Sonlight Grade 2 reading list, are working through the Pathway Gr 2 Readers, and already have the Treadwell readers on our Kindle (although right now I am looking for actual books that I can just hand to her to read on her own.) She’s also read just about every picture book we have in the house. She still gets overwhelmed by true chapter books, so we need to stick to the type that are just a wee bit below that for a little longer. Need to be books worth purchasing – no English libraries in France. =( Any suggestions? Thanks!



    My kids start reading the Christian Liberty Nature Readers at about that age.  That’s been a big hit so far and definitely worth owning.  Also, Little Bear comes to mind, but I think that’s on the SL list.  My 7 yo is reading Madeline right now.  That would be fun since the setting is France.  My kids also like Arthur Scott Bailey books that we’ve downloaded free to the Kindle.  Cynthia Rylant, Beatrix Potter, Don Freeman are some other authors who come to mind.


    My DD is in about the same level, a bit past, but she enjoys similar books. I posted a similar question, but got more suggestions for early chapter books (since that is what i asked for). Like your DD, mine has read all the Sonkight grade 2 books. Has your DD read books by Cynthia Rylant? They are a bit easier, but easily readable for independent reading. Also, Nate the Great series.

    One suggestion someone mentioned was reading books intended to be read alouds to preschoolers. They are generally written a little more challenging than readers. I think I may try some books off the Early Years Guide for age 4.

    I will be watching this thread for more ideas. I need some as well.


    Hi Jen!

    I LOVE the older “I-Can-Read-History” and “I-Can-Read-Science” series of books for this age/reading level. Even though many of the books in these series are out of print, many of them can be found inexpensively on Abebooks, Amazon, eBay, etc. 

    They aren’t “just” readers, either. They are such interesting books that I use them for our science and history for the younger children. I always give an excited squeal when I see one at a used book sale. 🙂 

    Some other ideas:

    Billy and Blaze series – C.W. Anderson

    Animals Do the Strangest Things (and Birds…, Reptiles…) – Leonora Hornblow

    Mouse Soup –  Arnold Lobel

    Tornado – Betsy Byars



    The Little Bear books are wonderful.

    I second the suggestion for Cynthia Rylant books. But I do not like her easy reader series as much. Just slightly more advanced are the Cobble Street Cousins and Lighthouse series and these are wonderful.

    My first grader is currently working through the Littles. It is also maybe one steep up from Frog and Toad. Also near that level would be Burgess’ books like The story of Little Joe Otter, etc.There are tons of them. His Bird Book and Animal book are a different sort but these are real stories.



    There are many books by Syd Hoff, like Chester, Oliver, Sammy the Seal, and Danny and the Dinosaur.  Others we have include:

    Put Me In the Zoo and I Want to Be Somebody New by Robert Lopshire

    The Digging-est Dog by Al Perkins

    A Bargain for Francis

    Zack’s Alligator

    The Elephant Who Couldn’t Forget

    The Case of the Hungry Stranger

    Who Will Be My Friends?


    Morris the Moose

    The Horse in Harry’s Room

    Grasshopper on the Road

    There is a Carrot in My Ear

    Johhny Lion’s Book

    Johnny Lion Goes Hunting


    Barney’s Horse

    Good Hunting, Blue Sky

    The Case of the Cat’s Meow

    Small Pig

    Hattie Be Quiet, Hattie Be Good

    The old Dick and Jane Readers (not the first easier ones) but some of the others might be good practice as well.

    Just reread your post, not sure if these are available in France… =)  But they are good longer 2nd grade readers…I can usually find these in Book Sales and such places.  Ours are hardback from when I was little – well, when my older siblings were in grade school.


    Thanks for the ideas all…this gives me a lot to look into for her. We can’t really get English books at all in France, but I was fixing to order a couple of other things from Amazon in the USA and wanted to throw in a few new books for her since she has gone through the ones I brought with us way faster than I thought she would. She’s definetely hit that sweet spot where reading is no longer difficult for her and she’s starting to read voraciously…which is wonderful, but sure is hard to keep her in books! =)



    I second the suggestions above, though for some reason my kids did not love the Christian Nature Libery Series …I’d had high hopes for these books, but they did not take hold for us. Maybe they will work for your DD – a lot of detail on bugs and small critters though, so just give thought that this matches for her interests before you purchase. They are great for being a “reader” where there is a lot of material in one book.

    Many of the others I suggest below are great for this level of reader, and nice stories, but most are short, maybe 6 chapters per book, so they don’t “last” that long. I’m glad I own them, but I’m glad I have two other young ones that will read next in line because a 6.5 year old does go through them fairly quickly.

    Young Cam Jansen series by David Adler (Cam is a girl character) good level and the stories are wholesome.

    Sable, by Karen Hesse

    Snowshoe Thompson, by Nancy Levinson

    The Long Way to a New Land and The Long Way Westward, both by Joan Sandin

    Five True Dog Stories, Margaret Davidson

    The Golly Sisters, Betsy Byars

    I purchased all of these (except the last one) for my second son when he was 6.5-7yrs and he loved all — this level is really where his confidence took off.

    I purchased all of these with free worldwide shipping from — ships out of the U.K. so you would receive very promptly!

    HTH! Blessings, Andi

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