It would be nice to be able to print a “daily plan” for the whole week. I feel like I’m wasting an awful lot of paper when I print these out for my kids – but they need it in front of them at least for a while after we make changes. Also, it would be nice to have more options for using divisions. For example, I want to use pages for my divisions, but I want to have them read 4 pages every day.
You can have divisions by 4 pages per day by inputing Lesson as the division title (or just pages) and then by the numbered divisions enter pages 1-4, pages 5-8, etc.
Re. your suggestion for the organizer… I know that it has been suggested before, but the problem lies in the wondrous flexibility of the organizer. It can’t know what you need to do on Friday until it knows what you’ve completed before then. You might have math scheduled lesson by lesson, but not get to it on M & T b/c of illness. The beauty of the CM Organizer is that you don’t have to re-schedule everything, it just pops up the next time. That’s the difference from all other organizers, it allows for life to happen. Perhaps you could try making up a printed daily schedule to post that shows the order of your day. You could even laminate it and check it off w/ a dry erase pen. Generally, you will know what comes next. If you read 4 pages per day in your lit. book, well, just read the next four pages. This is what we do and it works well. There are samples on this site.
Thank you. I’ll certainly see what I can do with these. I guess I just would like to be able to use the work I already did in telling the organzer what I intend to do each day – and just be able to print at the beginning of the week what I intend to do for these next five days. If we don’t get done – we don’t get done. But that way we can all see how we stacked up. I want my kids to see what they didn’t get done at a glance as well as what they did get done. And that way I can still take it to the computer and check it off as we go. But maybe it’s more complicated than I realize!
When you set up the b ook divisions, put in the page numbers. That what I do in math and probably some other things. In entering it, I’ll use pages as my indicator; then I put in the pages I want. So, for example,#1 will be Pages 1-4, when that is check off as “finished” it’ll move to # 2, which is the next 4 pages. NOw, the great thing is, when life happens and 4 pages don’t get finished, then mark “worked on” and it’ll just carry over to the next opportunity and the child can “catch up”.
AS for the children seeing what they did/did not get done, try this. I assume you’re printing out their daily sheet. They should be marking “W” or “F” on the sheet; at the end of the week, they should have a collection of sheets showing what they did. There’s the tracking for what you’re talking about. Or, even more organized, have them keep their dailys and print out at the end of the week a “SUMMARY REPORT” for “THIS WEEK” which shows what has been Finished and they can compare it their dailys. Or if you want both, you can print our a “WEEKLY” under DETAILED and get “worked on” and “finished”. And to conserve paper, print under ALL students instead of individually. I print “all students” daily and they just have to share, which conserves paper here daily.
Hope all that made sense; I adore the Organizer. Yes, it’ll be nice when you can print out a weekly at the beginning and I think it’s on the wish list all ready.