I am looking for a book about Calvin Coolidge. Ideally it would talk about his life through the presidency and would be geared to high school students. I am also open to a book written to a slightly younger audience that has very good information.
Just found The Autobiography of Calvin Coolidge. Has anyone read this? I can’t see inside the book, but it is rated pretty high on Amazon.
As a side question, why could I not get Amazon to bring up books about Calvin Coolidge or Woodrow Wilson before? Was the site acting up for anyone else? I have decent computer skills, but wasn’t getting anywhere with these or a couple of other more specific searches.
Jacqleene, I’ve had that on amazon a couple of times when I had the wrong category chosen unbeknownst to me. Searching for books in electronics or something doesn’t work well. 😉 otherwise I’ve never had an issue.