Suggestions for a CM Museum or CM Center

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Educating Suggestions for a CM Museum or CM Center


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  • Sonya Shafer

    Hilary from Cumbria University in England contacted us with some exciting news: they have acquired the property where Charlotte used to have her teacher training house and want to make it a useful place for CMers! They want to hear our ideas for what kinds of activities or surroundings or atmosphere we would like to see. 

    I think this is a wonderful opportunity! Hilary would like all the feedback she can get. She sent a Questionnaire that outlines some of the thoughts they’ve already come up with, but would love to hear our ideas as well. So download this Questionnaire and e-mail your thoughts to Hilary at the e-mail address listed on the Questionnaire.

    Let’s encourage them in this exciting endeavor!

    Jodie Apple

    Very exciting!!  Thanks for passing this along!  Wouldn’t that be an amazing field trip?!

    Is it open yet?  Do you have any more news on it?

    Sonya Shafer

    I haven’t received any word yet. Still hoping . . .

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