Thought I’d suggest a new feature for the Organizer…
With the upcoming changes to my husband’s work schedule (which will change which days he works once a month…), I don’t think a standard Sun-Sat schedule will work for us anymore. I’m thinking that our homeschool schedule will need to change every month too. And I think I know what is needed.
Where I live, the public school works on a “day” system. I think it is a 4 day system (I know of places that do a 6 day system too…) and so what the schedule is each day depends on what “day: it is. I believe this was setup to avoid the Friday/Monday long weekend so those courses get missed more often problem.
So, what I’d like to propose is an optional Day system. You could configure how many days you want the week to be (4, 5, 6, more?)… and you would setup the schedule for which day you want each resource used. Preferably the day would increment each day (not sure how to say when it should increment) – and also I’d want to be able to say on the Daily Plan that today is a day “2” so I can adjust it myself.
I think this would add a lot of flexibility…. but I do realize it is a lot of programming.
That’s an interesting idea. We have talked about doing more flexible scheduling that isn’t limited to days of the week. You’re right, though, it’s a fairly large change that would take a lot of work to implement well.