Substitutes for OOP recommendations in 106 Days

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  • Hi All!

    It looks like our family will be working through 106 Days of Creation Studies this year – hoorah! I’m curious to know if any of you who’ve been through it have any suggestions for replacements on the out of print titles. We live rurally and our public library is very limited.

    I’m particularly wondering if there is a good substitute for Yellow and Pink? It looks fabulous but used copies start at $30+!



    Sonya Shafer

    Oh, how I wish that one were still in print! I haven’t found another title like it anywhere. If anybody knows of a good substitute, please post the info!

    In the meantime, Jennifer, on the 106 Days of Creation Studies links and tips page there’s a little write up of the storyline and a suggestion for a possible alternate activity that will get the same point across.

    Hey! Maybe if we all write the publisher and plead with them to republish Yellow and Pink . . . 😉


    Hey Jennifer, have you ever tried an inter-library loan? I am familiar with this as I do not have access to a particularly stellar library here myself. You request the book and your library can check with other libraries and when they find it, it is sent to them and then you get it on loan for two to three weeks. Sometimes it is harder to extend the time on these, but better a little time with a great book than no time at all. My DH suggested trying the local community college library as well.

    Hope this helps,


    Oh, thank you Sonya, I’m going to print that all out :)! Yellow and Pink looks SO wonderful from the images I’ve seen online, it’s just so pricey! It would certainly be wonderful if they’d reprint it.

    Hi Jone,

    We do have inter-library loan here but it can take 2 – 3 months for titles to arrive here in the country, which doesn’t really work out well for scheduling ;). Thanks for the recommendation, but I’m definitely looking to gather everything up in advance!


    Jennifer – 2-3 months – OUCH!! And I thought a couple of weeks was bad. 😳 I agree that the library loan issue is very unpredictable and makes it hard to plan. Its too bad that Netflix/Blockbuster doesn’t have a book department. I would pay a reasonable amount to rent the specific book I wanted when I wanted it, especially with the OOP books. Know any millionaire/philanthropist/entrepreneurs who are looking for a great idea?

    Thank goodness for Sonya’s tips link.


    Ah…but they’re out there already! Here’s a couple:

    There are quite a few more, I just can’t find where I stored the links. There are even more with audio books.

    I bought Yellow & Pink on eBay a couple years ago for a couple bucks. EBay is a good source for hard to find books but you have to have patience. If you know how to use RSS, a friend taught me how to simply set up an RSS feed for the book title you want and check it periodically. When books are listed for auction, it will show up in your feed. I have had great success with this, especially these out-of-print books.



    Thanks for the links. 🙂 They look very promising. As usual, I am so far out of the loop on these things I don’t even know where the loop is. 🙄 Oh well, even if I am the last to know at least I do know now. Thanks for sharing.


    Oh, I found some great substitutes for some of the OOP books about turtles, marshes etc! Sylvan Dell Publishing!  FABULOUS living books for science for younger children – great illustrations, very gentle, good stories, good info woven in!

    You have to check these out Sonya – they are having free use of ALL their e-books until the end of October.

    I have a link to their free trial code on my blog here:

    Sylvan Dell Publishing Launches Free E-Book Trial

    Sonya Shafer

    Thanks so much for letting us know, Jennifer. We’re always eager to hear about more books! Smile

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