Substitute for Famous Men of Greece?

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  • blue j

    Hello All,

    We are working through module 2 right now, and are enjoying it, for the most part.  However, Famous Men of Greece seems to be too upsetting for my 10 yo dd.  It is not that it is hard for her, for we have dealt with that issue before, and are doing so in a different area at the moment.  This is a sensibility issue… it is emotionally unsettling/ upsetting to her. My two older girls have absolutely no trouble with it.  What’s more, it is almost like it has had a cumulative effect… she was fine for the first couple of readings, but then became more and more sensitive to them as time went on.  And again, I am *sure* that it is not a matter of taste or laziness.

    I am not sure where to go for a substitution for this that she and I can read together.  This module will come around later for her, so I’m not too upset to just set it aside for her, just allowing the older two read through it. On the other hand, I would like to know if there is something a little “gentler” or in a different style that might work for her.

    Any help is appreciated.



    Yesterday’s Classics has many different possibilities:                                    

    Many of these you can read for free from thier other site (the Baldwin Project):


    Famous Men did not work for us either. We ended up using “The story of Greece” from the Baldwin Project. It worked better for us. We are now using “the Story of Rome” for Module 3 as well and so far it is working fine. Hope you find a good substitute!


    I can relate somewhat to your dd. I personally don’t enjoy Greek mythology…and who says we have to! LOL!

    Even so, I am working through Mod 2 with my own kids.Here is another resource that might work for your dd. You might can find it at your library to see if it would work before buying.


    blue j

    Thank you all.  I will head over to the Baldwin project and check those out. 

    I think youngest dd is a little upset because she expected to enjoy the myths.  She really enjoys our verbal retellings of the stories – especially her 16 yo sister’s retellings.  However, there is just enough information or perhaps it’s just the way the info is written in the stories that her little imagination has no trouble picturing what is being described in more detail that she is comfortable knowing, if that makes sense…

    I feel like a bad mommy to some extent because I didn’t recognize that it was bothering her until recently.  We’ve been doing this for 8 weeks as of this week, and she was hating every single moment of that part of school, but didn’t tell me or said she enjoyed/ understood it all simply because her sisters enjoy it so much.  sigh, sigh, sigh.


    We are using H.A. Guerbeners The story of the Greeks. We are all enjoying it, but I don’t know how it compares to Famous Men of Greece.

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