Substitue Hillyer for Oxford Ancient History?

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  • amama5

    I’ve read through the posts I could find regarding a substitute for Oxford First Ancient History and didn’t see any other titles listed(maybe I missed them).  AO uses A Child’s History of the World by Virgil Hillyer, of which I’ve read mixed reviews. Anyone have thoughts on substituting this book or another suggestion?  Thanks!

    Sonya Shafer

    The neat thing about Oxford is that it has good descriptions and illustrations of different aspects of everyday life. I haven’t been able to find any other book like it in that regard. 

    That being said, Hillyer is a good history book once you get past the pre-history stuff. You could read chapters 5-9 to cover this time period if you wanted to. 


    I use CHOW as a read aloud b/c it is a wonderfully written narrative :o) I omit the first three chapters. I first bought this book b/c of the recommendation of from AO and Sonlight when the OFAH was hard to get. Sonlight explains the info in the beginning of the book this way: “Primarily, we believe the first chapter, especially, is a tremendous ‘scientific’ fairy tale. Chapters 2 and 3 are closer to reality, in that they include some information that has been confirmed through archeological exploration. But other aspects of Hillyer’s descriptions are a bit ‘over the top’ for us, so we have skipped them (the first 3 chapters).” Personally, we used the Bible along with Dinosaurs of Eden and the Victor Journey Through the Bible for our first set of history lessons! We are now reading from CHOW about Ancient Egypt and it has been wonderful! Smile


    Thank you both for the info!

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