Subject added

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  • Shanna

    Would it be possible to get LOGIC listed as a subject?


    I believe the SCM team has been working on the capability for users to add their own subjects….except I can’t find the post where that was discussed! I do know that something like that takes a good deal of time to develop, so I suppose we just have to be patient. Whenever they roll out new features for the organizer, it is well worth the wait.

    Jordan Smith

    We do have adding your subjects on the wish list. While that’s not what we’re working on right now, it is on the priority list to consider for the future. Doug gave some insight into how we choose what to work on in this post last week.

    We try to keep the subject list as small as possible so that it doesn’t become unwieldy. The rule of thumb we use to decide if a new subject should be added is if there isn’t already a subject the topic could fall under. In this case, Logic would fall under the existing subject of Personal Development, so we wouldn’t add another subject to cover that sub-topic.

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