Stuff they Left Behind-which weeks?

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  • kelly

    New to SCM & CM method ( although I have admired it from afar for many years!) So far we are loving the feast and enjoying the slower pace and varied, short lessons with my littles. One question I have- We are using the Genesis-Deuteronomy & Ancient Egypt Lesson Book and have purchased all of the suggested resources.. I am having trouble finding which week to use ‘The Stuff they Left Behind Packet’ Is it just a supplemental resource that we can utilize throughout the year as we choose or are there weeks which we should present specific artifacts etc? Thanks for any input!

    Karen Smith

    The pictures from the Stuff They Left Behind packs are used with specific lessons and are listed in the Materials Needed section when needed for a lesson. The lesson plans will tell you which picture to use. For the Genesis – Deuteronomy & Ancient Egypt lesson plans the first lesson to use a picture from The Stuff They Left Behind: From the Days of Ancient Egypt is lesson 15 as shown below.

    Lesson 15: The Black Land and the Red

    Materials Needed

    • Ancient Egypt and Her Neighbors

    • The Stuff They Left Behind: From the Days of Ancient Egypt

    • The Golden Goblet (grades 7–9)

    • Uarda (grades 10–12)

    Family: Ask students what they think Egypt was like when Abram traveled there. Explain that you will be reading about other ancient people groups who lived at the same time as Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph, especially, the Egyptians. Read together Ancient Egypt and Her Neighbors, chapter 1,“The Black Land and the Red,” and ask for an oral narration. Refer to the map of Ancient Egypt on page 165 in that book as desired.

    Either when you read about the Narmer Palette in the chapter or after the students’ narration at the end, display the large picture of the Narmer Palette from The Stuff They Left Behind: From the Days of Ancient Egypt and discuss the leading thoughts as desired.


    Great, thanks so much! I’ll look through each week in the lesson plans and schedule accordingly.

    Blessings! K

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