Studying the Bible together?

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  • mama_nickles

    I have 5 kids, and my oldest is 6.5 but a smart kid and a very advanced reader (8th grade level). We have been doing Bible reading together as a family, but I kinda feel like he’s not really getting anything out of it as he already knows so much about the Bible. I feel like he needs to take the next step toward learning some more applications or more Bible STUDY rather than just reading. I didn’t grow up in a Christian home, so I am not really sure where to go from here! Would it be better for him to study a different book/topic/method independently while I read for the youngers through the Bible separately? What do you do for Bible with your older children, and what do they do for independent Bible study?


    My older kids add more on their own (a major goal of our home is to get the children to internalize our family habits of prayer and scripture reading) BUT it is still valuable to study with all of your children.  I think it really affects the spirit of the home.  The older children can have insights to share with the younger ones.  We just ask lots of questions as we read—“What does that mean?  Why do you suppose this verse/story/passage is written down for us?  What do you think we would do differently if we really believed this?”  We ask questions (we parents) and we also encourage the children to begin asking questions and we discuss them.  Occasionally we only read a verse or two, lol, and the rest is discussing.  We don’t really “do” a whole lot more than that.  We teach our older children to do a similar process in their own study, and in time teach them tools that might be helpful–topical study as opposed to chronological reading, the use of indices and study helps, word meanings, etc.  Our teenagers take a daily morning class, and by then have their own individual reading habits, but we still read together as a family.  It’s worthwhile, even if the oldest and youngest aren’t always at their own levels.  We’ve had some big surprises in our family, like two year olds who picked up verses–actually memorized them–and learned stories they could tell, and special moments when older children have shared what a passage means to them or have taught a concept to the younger children.  Priceless.  Simply priceless.  We never, ever did this in the home I grew up in, our family Bible was really just a place to collect newspaper articles and obituaries  🙁 but since there isn’t one right “way” to do it, it just became an extension of my husband’s and my own personal study.  We do it Duker style.   You should do it your family style!

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