Study Guides for History

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  • erinturner


    Do you anticipate having study guides for History/Geography/Bible for the Modules of 4, 5, and 6 in the future?  If not do you reccomend any study guide that follows along with the books suggested to read.  Thank you!


    Sonya Shafer

    Hi, Erin. Yes, the plan is to write the handbooks for all the modules. We’re scheduled to publish the guide for Middle Ages/Renaissance/Reformation (Module 4) in the spring 2010. Then we hope to release Early Modern Times in spring 2011 and Modern Times in spring 2012.


    Ohhh!! Yay!!! That will work out great for us 😉 Thanks so much for all your hard work!! 😉 We are starting Joshua – Mal. & Anc. Greece soon. It looks awesome, and I like the way the weeks are laid out better than having one unit on Greece.


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