Isn’t school planning so fun? I was wondering who out there has ideas to share of what type of things use use to keep children organized and on track? I remember seeing Christie’s student binders she made (still makes?) for her children and was inspired. I don’t know if I can invest that much time into it though….
My thoughts start with….for each term compiling and printing, longer passage of scripture to be memorized. Poem to memorize. Hymn to memorize. 2 quotes and 2 verses for the habit for the term. And a student and teacher assessment (like Christie has). Possibly print a few notebooking pages for highlights of the term that need to be filled out?
This isn’t terribly thought out, but curious what types of things you might complie and proclick.
I have divided binders for my children for some of their independent work. There is a section for copywork, hymns, folk songs, poetry, habit evaluations, and written narration. Ds also had a section for dictation before he started typing his dictation. The children had separate binders for science since we used Apologia’s free printout notebooking pages, and there are quite a few of those.
Yes….so much so that I would possibly rank it ahead of actually teaching the kids on a list of “Top 10 Things I Really Love About Homeschooling,” LOL!
When I grow up (i.e., when the kids are done with homeschooling), I want to farm myself out to plan & organize for other homeschooling moms….for those of you who have seen the newer version of Father of the Bride, I’d be the Franck Eggelhoffer of homeschooling.
I’m working on my teacher binder. I plan to copy the pages and transfer them to their student binders throughout the year. Here’s what I’ve done so far:
list of hymns for the year (completely typed out)
poems to memorize this year (completely typed out)
morning devotion page for them to follow with a couple prayers to learn–these and the hymns will go in the pocket of their binders to get out each morning. I may laminate them if I can.
one notebook page for each composer, poet, and artist we’ll cover this year
science notebook pages for 106 Days of Creation
photocopies of Drawing With Children pages we’ll need
Mystery of History pages for current quarter (maps, tests for older two students, some pre-tests)
Bible study notebook pages for first few weeks–we’ll do 2 per week
character notebook page for each of our habits
I added a few color pictures to make the hymn/poem pages a little prettier! We have a new color printer and I wanted to use it a bit. lol I’m planning on making up a daily checklist for them as well as some daily planning pages for me, but I haven’t gotten to it yet. I’m also trying to figure out how I want to organize their binders. We’re using LLATL, so all their language arts will be in their workbooks this year.
Hope this helps. As you can see, I’m still working out all my plans.
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