struggling with American His. and World His. in Module 5

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  • This is my first year to use SCM history.  We are using Module 5.  I am having a real hard time switching back and forth between World history and American.  Sometimes there are several lessons in between readings.  I don’t know about anyone else, but I don’t like to read a book like that.  It is fine for a textbook that moves from one bit of information to another, but not with a story.  Not only is it hard for me to remember what we read last but also hard for my children.  I have 7th, 4th, 2nd, and 1st grader.  We only do History 3 days a week and Science 2 days a week.  This has worked well for us and I would like to stick with that.  Just wondering if there is anyway to split up the American History from the World.  I am trying to make this work for me since I have invested the money into all the books.  I don’t want to have to start over with something new.  Every curriculum has its own set of books and they are all different.


    I don’t have any wisdom for you on this, but I want to say I’ve wondered how this would go as we reach those modules.  I’m interested in other’s comments.


    I actually like how it is set up with American and World simultaneously during the same period. I think it helps to show how things were all over the world during that time. That said, I did switch things a bit for us this year. We are focusing on American history for term 1 and at least half of term 2 and then we’ll do the world history portion at the end of term 2 and all of term 3. I did this because we have the opportunity to travel to DC and the Historic Triangle in the spring and I wanted the kids to have that background before the trip. My kids are 10, 7, 4, 1.

    One other possibility for you could be to focus on history for a few weeks or even a term and then turn your attention to science. Maybe that would allow the readings to flow more to your liking. 



    I had not thought about doing History one semester and then science the 2nd.  That might help things some.  How are you doing the American and World history separate?  Are you just pulling out the lessons that are American History and skipping the World?


    I gave up on trying to do world and US at once. I am using Guesthollow’s American History 1 (which is free) and will stop and do units from Trail Guide Pathways of Exploration. I just really wanted mine to have a solid foundation in US history since it is our country. I figure when we go back to that time in world history I can refer to the timeline and they should have an idea of what our country looked like. You could also just fall back to SOTW and breeze over the US parts if you do American by itself this year. HTH!


    Hi, we’re actually new to CM and SCM this year too 🙂  We started our girls (2nd grade and pre-k 4) with Module 5 due to their interests at the time of choosing.  I used another curriculum last year for our first year of homeschooling and the history covered Creation thoroughly, and although I will definitely be using Module 1 in the future, I didn’t think we should start with that, as I feared burn-out 😉  I started this school year using another history pick and it for us.  I was so discouraged, so I spent a ton of time reading what everyone had to say about the modules here on SCM.  Then I dove it, bought the Module 5 and downloaded the TM for the year.  I too, was confused how to approach the history.  Another SCM mom on here recommended 2 days US history and 2 days World.  So we tried it and LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!  It just makes such sense to see how everything was unfolding in the world at the same time.  My girls and I love this curriculum, we tell everyone about it 🙂  I follow the TM recommendations for each of the 4 days (M,Tues= Early US / Thurs,Fri=World)  Wed we use for a map drill and as one of our science days (M,W,F)  Since we began using the Module this way, I have thought to myself that I wish history had been taught this way when I was in school.  Yes, some days are a little frustrating (usually Thursdays, since it’s been a week since we picked up with the World history), but we have a quickie review and away we go.  I had to modify my narration expectations and came up with having the girls draw a picture of what they found interesting, etc from that day’s lesson.  I write what they narrate about the picture on it and add it to a special binder.  So, when we begin the history for the week, I simply take out the book with all of their “artwork” and we look it over and re-read what they drew about and it’s like a little light goes off.  Funny thing is, they have started using their history artwork binders as something neat to look in for themselves and they will show anybody who will sit still long enough and listen to their story narrations with their artwork.  I cannot tell you how amazed I am how much they remember doing their history this way (even my 4 1/2 year old!!).  I hope this helps, I wanted to atleast encourage you and let you know that you CAN do both, you might just have to play around a little bit to find your own special way of doing it 🙂 


    What about shifiting lessons so you alternate?

    • Mon – US history
    • Tues – World
    • Wed – US
    • Thur – World
    • Fri – Geography

    I think that’s what we’ll do next year when we get there. 

    We’ve also done a year before where we did history first semester and no science, then science second semester and no history.  It gave us more time to focus on each one and was fun for a year. 


    Last year we alternated like Tristan has suggested and really liked it.  We’ve never  omitted a core subject for a semester but I think that is a great idea.


    Tristan how did you get that nice little chart in your comment? Very cool. 🙂


    JennNC – Right above where I’m typing are some buttons.  The fourth button from the left is bullets (follows bold, italics, and numbered list).  Click that and then type all you want in the list. 


    Ah! Yes, I see it there now, right in front of my face. 🙂 Apparently I need to practice my habit of attention and develop my powers of observation.

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