Struggling w/ SCM Search feature

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  • LindseyD

    I’m finally gathering up the courage to post this after a few years of really struggling with SCM’s search feature. It doesn’t seem to matter what search terms I use, I almost never find the thread I’m looking for. Most of the time, the threads that do come up aren’t even relevant to what I’m looking for. I am able to use Google search, however, and find exactly what I need on the site.

    For example, I typed in the search “family movie suggestions”. Here is what I got from SCM’s search:

    And here are my results from the Google search:

    Using the Google search, I was immediately able to view several helpful threads and find just what I was looking for. 

    Wondering if anyone else has experienced this issue? And SCM, I hope I’m not treading on anyone’s toes there. Innocent It’s very likely that my issue boils down to operator error. 



    Jordan Smith

    It’s very likely that my issue boils down to operator error. 

    Nope, it’s not your problem. Smile The search features in the forum software just don’t work very well. The software upgrade that Doug mentioned a couple months ago should improve that a lot, but we’re still figuring out if we can keep everybody’s private messages with the update before we make it happen.

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