Struggling w Module weight in Ancients…..compared w little Ameriacan>?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics History Struggling w Module weight in Ancients…..compared w little Ameriacan>?


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  • kellywright006

    Hi Everyone:

    I am asking for you to help talk through this with me. I have everything planned for this year, except history (which I know is a huge portion of it). I just can’t get this sorted out in my mind.

    My oldest is going into 8th grade. We started out, years ago, doing Tapestry of Grace, did that for 2 years, and then switched to SCM Modules (so we could breathe, thank-you). But in switching, we lost some ground in American History. If I follow our 6 year history SCM plan, she won’t get American until 10th or 11th grade. I do feel strongly, that American History is more important than Ancients, Middle Ages, ect.

    SO, I have a question SCM team (if you are reading), can you please help me reconcile the weighty-ness (if I can create a word), to it taking 4 years of Ancients, and Middle Ages to even get to American History? I love the Modules and would like to continue, but I am struggling with the question, “Why give so much more time to beginning history, than American History?” Meaning, why does it take us 4 years to even start taking about American? I know SCM gives a lot of thought to these things and I LOVE all things SCM, just hoping to understand.

    I know there is an idea out there that you can combine Modules, but we are about to have a 7th baby and I can’t even begin to phathom how to eliminate things to be able to do 2 Modules in 1 year, so I am not feeling that is an option. I am more hoping to understand why this, 6 year cycle, giving less than half of it to American History……taking us 4 years to get there. Sorry for rambling, as you can tell, I really need help.

    Sonya Shafer

    It’s a good question. The reason we spend so much time on the ancients is because the Bible history takes priority. We wanted to put the emphasis on Bible history and bring the corresponding world history alongside it, and trying to fit Genesis through Acts into one year is just way too much. So we scheduled the Bible readings and brought the ancients in on the side, and it fit nicely into three years.

    Another goal we had was to show how American history fits into the big picture of world history. Taken in perspective, our 200-or-so year nation is a youngster compared to all the history from creation to current.

    Now, that being said, please feel free to tweak and linger longer in American history or add some American history on the side of other studies if you want to. I don’t have details on how, but I know other CM moms on this forum have done so. Anybody care to chime in with some how-to ideas?


    Hey there! I’m not able to answer your question, but I wanted to tell you that I had the same question (will my child fall behind not learning anything about American History until Module 5?) and a friend of mine gave me some great advice. After talking to her, I’ve decided that I’m going to have my first grader, who is starting Module 1 this year, watch (for fun, when she wants) some of the Liberty’s Kids DVD’s just to get a background of American history. I’m also planning to read some American history books out loud for fun through the first four modules (I’m waiting on American History Stories, Volume 1 to arrive, and I’ve got a few d’Aulaire books we’ll look through as well (Leif the Lucky, Pocahontas, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, etc.) I hope you get an answer to your question! Congrats on baby #7!

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