Stretching the Food Dollar

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  • csmamma

    I have not had time to read through every post, but wanted to say that I, too, am very excited about this blog. For instance, I can’t wait to find out how Rachel makes Kale chips in the dehydrator. I too have been wanting an Excalibar for a long time. Also, I can’t wait to implement all of your canning advice this next harvest season.

    Keep up the great work ladies. Thank you, Linda, for starting this thread and thank you, Lindsey, for working on getting this blog up and running. God bless you all! Heather


    Thanks to you all! I will be asking a lot of questions! I want to start raising some chickens. And my first garden didn’t turn out to well here in the South! And I am having problems with dehydrating foods except making fruit rolls!! LOL!

    This indeed comes at a great time…for my DH and I were talking about getting prepared for the yrs to come! Getting back to living off the land..just in case! Plus, it is a lot more healthier!

    Hope I can add some info about healthy eating! God bless!


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