Straight Math Advice cont. RS and other

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Math Straight Math Advice cont. RS and other

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  • joannarammell

    i hope i’ve answered all the questions posted so far.  if any more, go ahead and ask or comment, (or remind), etc.   if not, it’s been fun.  i get to missing math at times…


    Rachel White

    This has been a great discussion.  I am feeling so pumped about math, and for me, that is not normal Smile.

    My youngest daughter is 5 1/2 and is ready to join in the schooling when we begin our year.  She loves numbers and always wants to do math related activities.  Would you recommend starting her with RS level A or B?




    Scherger5   I’m so glad.

    I was hoping you ladies weren’t just rolling your eyes at this weird long winded passionate math mama  🙂 and were actually getting something from it.

    In regard to your question,  level a and level b are essentially the same –well mostly…with more depth and meat in level b–the lessons are a bit harder and longer in b…I’m not saying you couldn’t do b…food for thought…you push her to do b now and stress yourself and her out…or you do a and let her experience success after success–i don’t think it will be too easy as to be boring…the activities are so varied and will be so new to her it will be loads of fun…what do you think?  you could verify this suggestion by you filling out the questions to the very short starting level questionaire help on the rightstart website and see what they say…ultimately it is your child and your decision…you know her best..but I wouldn’t rush her –a nice solid foundation now with an excited love of learning is better than a child in an advanced level in a couple of years who hates it.  i would save b for next school year when her maturity and attention span might be better.  Also children in these early years need so much repetition…that’s why we cycle through the history and science right…same with math…level a and then b…

    hope that helps.




    Thank you so much for your response.  The questions at the RS site say “B”, that is why I thought I’d run it by you. My thoughts were similar to yours.  

                                     Strong foundation + lots of fun + success after success = math love

    We will be going with level A.  

    Have you done or seen any of the levels higher than C?  Some families seem to jump ship after B or C.  Do you have any thoughts on this?

    Laughing  Heather


    no i have no idea…i was actually hoping she’d get some more written before i got to the upper levels of middle school.  i will try to research and see what i can find about c, d, e…



    p.s.  like your equation! Smile

    @joannarammell – I’m so enjoying your thread!  Thank-you for your time and patience in answering all the questions and giving us new maths insights – much appreciated! I’m now on Level B with my 6,5 yos and we love it. it’s so non-stressful and he just loves the card games.

    @Jo – I belong to the RightStart yahoo group and there are lots of moms using RS through all the levels, even the ones that have moved on beyond E.  I think anyone can join, even if they are not currently using RS, I’ve seen some posts from moms who are just investigating it.  I’m sure you would find loads of info there too.


    thank you Noelene.

    Noelene and Scherger5   i was thinking of maybe starting a new thread asking the question if anyone has stopped using or is thinking about stopping rightstart before the “end” of it…to give their reasons…not to justify themselves or to judge anyone but to investigate if there might be a place that becomes uncomfortable in the rightstart journey…what is uncomfortable…and is it something we could easily address…if so we could begin a Help to Stick with RightStart thread.  I wonder if there would be any interest in this…I mean is it one or two who stop…is it a bunch?  do they stop at the same place?  is it cost?  is it something else addressable?  I wonder.  Tell me what you think…it would be telling to see how many responed to the research gathering thread about why did they stop.

    just brainstorming.

    Noelene–I was thinking of writing the author and asking her straight out too.  I will try the website.



    I think a research group is a great idea!  Knowing that the SCM team chose RS for the first four or five years of schooling gives me some comfort about using RS long term.


    Joanna – I think it would be good to write directly to the author, I’m sure she would respond.  I’ve seen that she’s even responded to some of the discussions on the RS yahoo group, where there has been misunderstanding, and she’s come in and clarified everything. 

    I agree, a research group would be worth a try, I’m just not sure how many SCM moms are using RS?  But I guess there’s only only way to find out Laughing

    Thanks Jo, we will be doing review of algebra and we are also believers in reviewing the basic math as well, throwing in a surprise quiz of fractions, decimals, measurement and the four basic math skills to keep those sharp, as it is easy to forget it all. I think you are doing a fantastic job on this forum helping with your sound advice. Glad you are here, as math is a bother to a lot of people who were not taught especially well themselves in the past. Linda


    missingtheshire…i really appreciate that.  i’ve had a rough couple of days…just trying to get it all together…scheduling, house, children, detwaddling, potty training, sick, teething,and very attached nursing baby, etc…i’m crazy…ha!

    so this math talk…has been about the sanest thing in my world for the last three days.  funny, huh…!

    y’all pray for me…i have not the strength for all that is necessary …i can do all things through Christ who strengthens me is what I have to rely on…but I keep forgetting…and pick it all up again…and fall down under the load…pray I will rely on HIM and trust HIM and walk only with HIM.  thank you.

    sorry that wasn’t about math 🙂



    Noelene and Scherger5 and everyone else!

    I sent the following email to the people at RightStart.  I hope we will hear something back next week.

    In the meantime, I think I will start a new thread asking moms who have switched midstream…their reasons to see if we can pinpoint the uncomfortableness at that level.

    God Bless.  Have a great weekend!

    Hello,  my name is Joanna Rammell. I am a mathematician who is now homeschooling my four children.  We use and love RightStart.  I am also on the SimplyCharlotteMason discussion forum, and I have been recently answering quite a few questions about math and RightStart, in particular, since I have whole heartedly recommended it.  I have referred several questions to your great forum! I had a mother ask me recently a question that took me unaware.  I wanted to run it by you and see if you have any experience with this and if you know why.  The question is this: 

    Have you done or seen any of the levels higher than C?  Some families seem to jump ship after B or C.  Do you have any thoughts on this?


    Since we haven’t made it to C yet, I am unsure about the reasons this could be.  In your experience, is this true?  Do you have any idea as to why?

    I am asking in no way to criticize or change my mind about using RightStart.  I am asking, because I am trying to support moms in their math journey as they teach their children.  If it is true and we can figure out what is making them uncomfortable at that stage…then I could help address it and maybe provide some remedies and ongoing support.

    We are eager to hear back from you.  If we can figure it out, I’ll start a thread that provides ideas to overcome this hurdle in the journey…whether it is content, new methods, or something else. 

    Thank you, in advance, for your time and thoughts.

    Joanna Rammell


    The author of RS has already written back and is very interested in what you say.  We are brainstorming ideas.  She is willing to work to help others if we can identify the problem.

    Thank you again for being willing to help others!  Go to the other thread or send moms there to tell us about why they left RS…maybe we can get to the bottom of the problem/s!


    I have read the posts from Choosing Math and this thread but they don’t  answer my questions specifically.

    I have 6 children and have used MUS, Developmental Math, Cusinaire, Rod & Staff and didn’t like any of these for our children. 

    Rays,  Prof. B., Math Mammonth – These I have now.  I do like these.

    Each one has its gaps and I have had problems putting it all together.. Concepts-hands on, Drill, & Prob. Solve

    I know in my my heart that learning the facts needs to be through games and stories. Concepts needs to be taught through hands on such as Cu. does but there hasn’t been lessons to put it all together for me and put together for review etc. My other children 19,20,26 & 28 suffered. I’m not a math person and neither is my husband. I got discouraged and was out of the curriculum mode for quite a few years because he didn’t understand.  I didn’t know about Right Start and that it came out about the middle of the 90’s or that RS got popular later on. I’m just learning about it. I spoke with a RS lady this morning and said there is hope.

    But I don’t know if MOL or RS would work better for us. RS said that they could go right into Video Text Alg. after E. MOL goes up to 8th. I don’t like the grade level idea at all and why I liked Rays. Also, I love mastery instead of spiral.

    Then I wondered if I need something else to go with RS to cover any gaps they might have for review?

    Others I’m looking at is Systematic math which is for later concepts and Life of Fred when they get to fractions for stories to cement that part.

    These are the only programs that I would consider. I have done alot of research off and on through the many years.

    MOL vs RS someone who has seen them or who knows about both pretty well, and how I can coordinate any of the 3 that I do like somehow? Rays I think is rote memory even doing orally which isn’t CM right? But the word problems would be good for review of the concepts?   MM the same thing?,  Prof. B has “tricks” to do “drill” that make it easier to learn and working the problems helps to cement them with “oral” drill but still aren’t “games” to do drill to use another part of the brain so they are never forgotten.

    Systematic Math & how this might fit & Life of Fred? 

    Thank you for your help.


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