Story of the Romans do I have the wrong copy?

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  • Mandi

    I just purchased The Story of the Romans by H.A. Guerber.  It just came to my attention that there is a specific editor and edition:  edited by Christine Miller (Nothing New Press edition)I don’t see an editor on mine, so it looks like I may have purchased the wrong one.  What is the difference and is it recommended I get the one listed on the resource list for Matthew through Acts? 


    Mandi, for this particular work of Guerber’s, the differences are not huge.  The content is essentially the same—Christine Miller added a little formatting, some artwork, and a timeline and resource list.  You can read the one you have with little difficulty.  The differences are more substantial for a few of the other books, but you can still use the one you purchased.


    I was wondering the same about The Story of the Greeks.  Should I get the Miller version?


    The issue is the same for the Story of the Greeks.  The ones to which Christine added or changed significant content are Story of the Ancient World, Story of the Middle Ages, and Story of the Renaissance and Reformation.


    Thanks, bookworm 


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