Story of the Greeks by H A Guerber

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  • 4myboys

    Has anyone used this book with mod 2 who might have a reading plan for it?  I have found it as a free download, but that makes it difficult to come up with a plan.  Would it be a read straight through kind of thing or a selective chapters type thing?  We started listening to the audio of Famous Men of Greece but I am thinking of switching.  


    We found that reading it straight through was better because the book really is written as a story and skipping chapters almost felt akin to skipping chapters of a novel. It would just make the story feel disjointed, parts would be missed and thus, the story would be hard to follow. I found that the original Guerber books (not the revised versions) are REALLY written in a way in which each chapter builds upon the last and it makes history read as a story would. It helped us to see more of the reasons behind the decisions and actions made by certain people and people groups. It would be difficult for me to be able to go through those books and pick out which chapters to use and have them still make as much sense and have as much of an impact. I decided to read them right through in order.

    I am reading a revised version this year for the middle ages and am finding it to be a little less storylike than the other two I read that were not revised. I could have possible just picked out certain chapters to cover and have each chapter still have as much impact. So far I am liking the non revised versions better than the revised.



    I am just getting ready to start using SCM resources with Mod. 2. What is the difference between “The Story of the Greeks” by Guerber and “The Story of Greece” by Macgregor? I was thinking of using one of these for my spine.

    Also, where do you find free downloads and/or audios like Famous Men of Greece, etc. I did find the Macgregor book as a epub download that I can use on my Nook. I’m really trying to soak in all this new information! 🙂



    Rachel White

    Kristin :

    That’s where you can get free downloads. AUdioschool pulls from Librivox, too; but they are organized according to time period. Books Should Be Free is a great resource, too. Again, it pulls from Librovox, but is more organized.

    My chldren listen to tons of books. You can read the Guerber book and listen to the Macgregor one (if it’s available) or the FMoG (which is available).

    Audible isn’t free, bit when you can’t get something at LIbrivox, I find the 14.95 a month cost is worthwhile when we listen to so many books.


    Books SHould Be Free:


    I found Famous Men of Greece as an audio on and Story of the Greeks on Project Gutenburg.  


    The Story of the Greeks and The Story of Greece are both read as a continuous story – you can easily add in the Famous Men as you get to the part about the Men. 

    The Story of the Greeks and The Story of Greece are very similar in the writing style, the content, and can be switched easily with one another.  Chapters in both are short, easy to read and understand.

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