For those of you who have used both SCM’s Stories of America (or Stories of the Nations) and Queen’s Living History of Our World, what did you find the differences to be?
I’ve used ALHOW Vol 1 and Stories of America Vol 1. My girls (8 and 6) had a *much* easier time narrating from SOA. They were also more engaged in the story with SOA … I don’t know … the length of the chapters was really good, the tone was inviting, and again the narration came more naturally. We loved many elements of ALHOW but SOA was a better fit for us overall, and the way it is used in the Mod is a truer CM approach, in my humble opinion.
Thanks. That confirms what I thought just from looking at the SOA samples. (We aren’t using it until the fall.) It is interesting about them narrating easier from SOA. That would be a good thing as it did not flow very well for dd with ALHOW even though she is a very verbal person.
Erin ~ could you compare the activities in the Beautiful Feet Study Guide and the ALHOOW Student Journal? BF has been revised and is no longer so Providential. I was considering getting both BF and the Student Journal and using both or whatever we were in the mood for, but I’m thinking they might be redundant. Thoughts?
The BF Guide is gorgeous, but more of a lit study than a notebooking experience, ala CM. The ALHOW journal encourages written narration or at least writing/illustrating what the child gleaned from a lesson, while the BF Guide is more direct … write this, do this, map this, what do you think about this, etc … almost comprehension-based more than knowledge-based. To be honest, while I am one that found the journal integral to ALHOW, it did become tedious for my oldest (8) and the shift in pace with the BF Guide was refreshing at times. I personally love what BF publishes and I think they fill a niche that is sort of a nice balance of excellent living books and literature study … hallmark CM narration and such can easily flourish with BF, as well, when implemented properly and thoughtfully.
Tedious . . . that is the word that fit for us with the ALHOW journal. And trying to match my dd’s expression of the lesson into the activities that were pre-made just didn’t work. I really was hoping it would as it was a bit spendy.
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