Stories of America Book 1

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  • Julee Huy

    Hi Sonja,

    I’m looking into next year and I’m wondering how Module 5 and Stories of America is coming along?  Any chance we can all have a sneak peek?  🙂  

    Please, please! 🙂



    Sonya Shafer

    Hi, Julee. Here is a status report on all the components of Module 5. 

    • Stories of America (new spine for American history): written, formatted; waiting for final proofreading and a couple of maps that we want to include in the back
    • Stories of the Nations (new spine for World history): mostly written, just waiting on final chapters, formatting, proofreading, and a few maps as well
    • Handbook: partially written; waiting on Stories of the Nations so we can add world history lesson plans in their proper places; then formatting and proofreading
    • Hebrews Bible study: written, formatted, proofread; waiting on a cover design

    So now you all know how to pray for us specifically. Smile


    Thanks for the specifics, Sonya, so we can direct our prayers.  It always helps me focus…plus it’s cool to see how God is faithful! Laughing

    Unfortunately, we are already in that time period and won’t be able to use the guides, etc…  ( Cry )  I almost want to pause where we are in history so we can utilize your lovely guides…you won’t have the next set for Module 6 ready by the 2012 school year, will you? Wink

    Thank you for all your hard work and dedication to a CM and God-honoring education!

    Julee Huy

    Thanks Sonya! I will pray for those things! I’m lookouts forward forbid Module!


    Wonderful updates and I love having specifics to pray over!  We’re getting ready to begin Module 4 in April or May and it will be our first SCM Module.  I’m so excited.  The last few books are in the mail heading to my house and then I’ll have everything I need for all my children’s ages. 

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