Sonya has said that for a high school Ancient History credit, you would need to cover Mods 1-3 in one year. There are two ways I have figured this out:
1. This is easily done if Bible is a different “subject”. Then you would just do the History and Geography portions for one term per Module. This will also allow you to have time to add some of those don’t miss books or a writing assignment (essay, etc) if you desire.
2. If you want to do it as is, in order to count it as a credit, the student would need to complete at least three lessons per day in each module to cover the material in a 180 day school year, Which isn’t hard either. The big portion of that is the Bible readings.
I am not sure how much extra time the Truthquest would lead into, but if you pre-marked the SCM guide with the corresponding pages of Truthquest, it might not be that time-consuming.