still pretty new… I have a question

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  • tabitha

    We are in our first year learning at home. My girls are 11 and nearly 8. Over the past several months we have been “transistioning” from public school to home “lessons” as I prefer to call it 🙂

    I have started following the blog on diffnt subjects such as handicrafts, narration. I keep seeing references to “vol 3 pg 32″ or vol 1 pg 76” what are these volumes? Are these charlotte mason books? I have “a charlotte mason companion” book. but these pages don’t line up.

    Please forgive my early morning after being up to late lake of spelling/proof reading on this post 😉

    My oldest daughter had finals and again this morning. we’re heading out again now for her last rodeo of the year 🙂

    I didn’t want to forget to get this question out there.

    Thanks in advanced if you are able to steer me in the right direction 🙂


    Hi Tabitha,

    The volumes that are being referred to are the series of books that Charlotte Mason wrote, herself.

    Vol 1. Home Education

    Vol 2. Parents and Children

    Vol 3. School Education

    Vol 4. Ourselves

    Vol 5. Formation of Character

    Vol 6. A Philosophy of Education



    You can read the series free online here or you may purchase them. If you purchase them, look for the ones with the pink covers.

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