I was only using CM and putting together my own curriculum for language arts for my 9yo daughter, bit I felt like I needed some workbook type pages for her portfolio. So I purchased the total language plus workbook for the book Shiloh. I looked though the workbook and I just wasn’t sure if I wanted her to do all that vocab, spelling, comp questions, and grammar- especially since I’ve been re-reading the “charlotte mason companion” (I’ve been incorporating some CM for the last 10 years of homeschooling). The other thing I didn’t like was that we were only supposed to read 4 pages a day! So, I started reading “Shiloh” and I tried to stop at 4 pages but my daughter wanted me to read more. After the first chapter she begged for more. We ended up reading 3 chapters! She gave me an oral narration after the first and second chapter. But now what do I do?
Could your daughter write a narration once in a while for a chapter? Or could you type her oral narration to include in the portfolio? Perhaps, you could give her a passage to study for prepared dictation from the book. At the end of the book, you could allow her to have an open ended writing assignment such as retelling her favorite part of the story or writing about what she liked/didn’t like about the story. That may not be exactly CM, but it would work well for her portfolio. She could also illustrate various scenes or characters from the book.
I think it all depends on where you live and what is required in your portfolio. I live in Florida and I used to feel pressure about putting more worksheets in my children’s portfolios. I just asked our evaluator about it and she was perfectly fine with us just having a book list until my kids were old enough for written narrations and formal grammar.
If you have to have something regarding language arts in the portfolio, what about Queen’s language lessons? Although I’m not a huge fan of them, at least they are gentle and simple to add into the daily schedule.
Thank you for your suggestions. What I had been doing is reading good books aloud to my daughter. Then I pick a paragraph from the reading and alternate each day dictation and copywork. We go over grammar rules she missed after she finishes. She does oral narration about 3 times a week. I could start having her start writing her narrations. I had been having her keep a personalized spelling notebook, but it fizzled out. She enjoys drawing pictures of what we are reading. I think my evaluator would be fine with it if I explained to her what we are doing.
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