State Standards/ Any thoughts?

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    Hello Everyone, Due to various reasons I am considering the charter school/homeschool style for my daughter next year. She will be in 7th grade and we are finishing modern history module this year. I can continue cm style of teaching but here comes my issue. I must teach to the state standards to prove that I am teaching her. No problems in anything but history. We normally would be starting module 1 and going up in order, however the state standard for next year is the Renaissance period. If we do this she will lose out on all of the rich history in the ancient years. This will also have me breaking up my children into two strands of history. I have considered stopping our history this year with where we are at and getting in some of the ancient years in there before the fall. Or just leave it out and go with the standards and not worry about it. If I should pick some of the ancients, what should I NOT leave out? Any other ideas? I hope this makes sense 🙂

    Blessings, VAnessa

    I hope I am not being personal asking, but do you have to homeschool through the charter? This is the problem with schooling through a public program; they are forced to public school standards which means you are also.

    I live in California and if you homeschool here privately you do not have to pay attention to the state’s standards. You are free to set your own standards and graduation requirements. It may be different in your state.

    Sending you a (((HUG))). I hope you find an answer that works well for you!


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