Starting year 1 with Wisdom and the Millers?

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  • easybrizy

    I will be starting year 1 with my oldest in the fall and I’m making plans for finding books right now. I’m trying to use my money wisely and I happen to already own Wisdom and the Millers. Is there any reason I shouldn’t use this book for year 1 instead of A Child’s Book of Character Building? Could I come back to that next year, perhaps? Or is CBCB much simpler than WAM? Thanks!


    For what it’s worth (we are relatively new to CM in comparison to others), but I just finished up Wisdom and the Millers with an 11yo (almost 12), 8 1/2 yo and 5yo.  It was fine for them, well, great actually, but I probably wouldn’t have done this with just a 6yo (but that’s just me), I use the Character Building book for my 5yo (8yo loves to listen in)…the stories/lessons are much shorter and are just right for him.  The Wisdom book was great for my 8yo and I have my 5yo listen in (plays while I read the stories) and my 11 yo loves those books as well.

    We just started Missionary Stories with the Millers yesterday and after I read the Introduction I told them that we would start the stories next week (have them scheduled for every other day)….they fussed so we read the first one yesterday.  They really like those books. 

    My oldest has a boys devotional book that he reads in the morning on his own, but this is something I like to do as a group so we’re all hearing the same stories for discussion.

    Anyway, maybe your year 1 child is older than mine and would be okay with the stories…so this is just my experience.  My youngest is 5 and 3 months old.



    Hmmm. Well, I’ll have a 6 1/2 year old and a 4 1/2 year old. So, you think wait on it?


    Honestly, my whole gang of 5 kids loves the Millers stories (ages 13-2).  The only one who doesn’t really listen well is the 2yo.  My DD has happily listened since 2 or 3.  My kids love these.  Try one of two out with your kids to see.  We made a Proverbs caterpillar on the wall from the Proverbs in the Wisdom book.  We hung it with that “sticky tack” on the wall in the dining room, where we did school, and added a pretty construction paper circle with each new Proverb to the end of the caterpillar.  I could easily point to a reference each circle, and recite the Proverb if they needed reminding!




    I agree with Amy….it wouldn’t hurt to try out a story or two and see how they like them.  If it works out then I wouldn’t even bother with the Character Building book if you don’t need it.  I happened to get the Character Building book for a great price and I’m borrowning the Missionary book right now so it wasn’t a cost issue for me at that time, but I totally get wanting to make your purchases count:)

    Unfortunately for us I didn’t begin the CM method until a year or two ago (this school year is our first full year CM) so if I had started early on with my oldest we may have started reading these books long ago. I did not have the ‘homeschool mindset’ then and when I did it was pretty ‘traditional’.  So, needless to say, we are playing catch up with all of these gems:) 


    Alright, sounds good! I’ll give it a go and if it doesn’t work out we can rethink! Thank you and I like the idea of the caterpillar! Did you just write the proverb onto the circle?

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