Starting with 9th grader

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  • dascott

    I have been trying to decide what curriculum to use next year and I am leaning towards using the Modules found here.  They look wonderful.  I looked at the sample book for Module 1 and really liked it.  My question is, how would I get all the modules in for my son who will be in 9th grade?  I also have a daughter who will be in 6th grade.  I definately want to start with Module 1.  We have only been homeschooling for 3 years and they have not studied history from the Biblical perspective, so I want to start at the beginning.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!  Thanks so much!


    Sonya Shafer

    Dedra, the difficult thing will be getting the Biblical perspective when you’re moving that quickly through the Bible history time periods in one year. That’s why we take three years to go through those time periods. What you might want to do is use Beautiful Feet’s ancient history course. They cover all the Ancients together in one year. Then you can use our Modules 4, 5, and 6, if you want to for the other years. Have you checked out Greenleaf Press’s Guide to Old Testament History? You might be able to do that alongside the one-year ancient history course and at least get the Old Testament covered during that year.



    Thanks for the informaton.  Do you think it would be possible to due 1 1/2 years of study each year?  If I could divide up the school year and due one module in 2/3 of the year and start the next one for the last 1/3 of the school year and then finish it the beginning of the next year and then finish the next module by the end of that year, would that be too rushed?  I get nervous thinking of combining two curriculums proabably because I am new to the Charlotte Mason Method and anxious about High School. 



    Sonya Shafer

    I’ve been mulling over your question, Dedra, and I think Yes, it could be possible. Many of the Bible readings are not long, so you could probably double up on quite a few to accomplish two lessons instead of one. When you start incorporating the Ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome additional assignments for the older students, they are usually assigned one chapter of their books per lesson. You could most likely do two chapters instead to double up on those as well. Plus, there are some “catch-up” lessons that would give you a little margin too. 

    With some creativity, I think it could be done. Smile



    Thanks for the response.  I am going to try & see how it goes.  I was thinking last night that if I started within the next week or two I could actually get the first term done this year which would help some.  What we are doing now isn’t working all that great and I could get a feel for using this book and that might help with the furture years planning.  I did order the planning DVD and book, hopefully this will help me get started.  I am very excited to begin and pray this is the answer for our homeschooling.   Thanks again for all the information and advice is is greatly appreciated!Laughing

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