My 4th grader is on lesson 96 of Spelling Wisdom 1. I would like to begin next year with Spelling Wisdom 2 and skip the rest of SW 1. Will she be missing out on something if I do this? This is primarily because she needs to practice the passage as copywork first–she been doing that all this year, and her spelling has improved immensely, but I tried having her just study the passage and words she thought she might have trouble spelling (for 2 days), and her spelling and attention to detail such as punctuation deteriorated markedly, so she’s not ready for that. Her handwriting speed is super slow, about 4-5 words per minute, and the passages she’s doing now average 6 lines long and are rapidly getting longer. So if she spends 10 minutes a day doing a passage as copywork, she doesn’t get more than 3 lines of it written. Her typing speed is somewhat faster, 9-10 words per minute, but she’s not fluent enough/coordinated enough at this point to look at the book and type any faster than her handwriting speed. We school four days a week, and have been using SW 3 days a week (1 passage per week). It would be much simpler to just have shorter passages again next year.