Starting our first garden this year!

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Science & Nature Study Starting our first garden this year!


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  • Rene

    We are so excited – I’ve wanted a garden for years and we even tried to grow a tomatoes and bell peppers a few years ago but our soil is so terrible (clay) that they did horrible. And the task of improving the soil seemed to daunting that we gave up.

    This year my husband said “lets do it!” – I bought the All New Square Foot Gardening book and we have the stuff to mix our soil and my husband has built us two 4×4 foot boxes. We still need to get the materials to make the vertical supports for tomatoes, etc. And dh is going to make us a structure for a compost pile. We are kinda combining the Square Foot method with the Lasagna Garden method – I’ve not actually read the lasagna garden books, just done searches online.

    Here in Houston our last frost date is March 14 – so, next weekend! I’m hoping to get at least one or two harvests of lettuce before it gets too hot. Mostly we are planting Heirloom plants – I’ve bought my Heirloom seeds from a company called Renee’s Garden, which is cute because my name is Rene too. 😀

    We are planning to grow lettuce, scallions, marigold, pole beans, tomatoes, cucumbers (lemon cucumbers!), baby carrots, baby beets, chard, peppers, watermelon and pumpkins.

    My girls are so excited and they’ve been such a big help in getting started. Everyday they are outside they want to “work in” the garden spot getting it ready for the boxes.

    Anyone else want to talk gardening? 🙂


    How exciting!! I like to garden too but I am fairly new at it. Last year we had are biggest garden yet and had a wonderful crop..God blessed our feeble efforts. I loved getting fresh salad greens and fresh tomatoes. Our favorite was our corn on the cob..yummy!!

    Your family will love gardening. Once it gets in your system you can’t get enough of it. 😀



    Oh Rene, you get to start gardening next weekend? I’m jealous – we have to wait until May here in Michigan. We, too, love to garden. My darling husband actually got me into it. He’s the “know-it-all” when it comes to the garden, I just play in the dirt with him. 🙂 I really have learned alot and we’ve grown..lets see..corn, roma, cherry and pear tomatoes, green, yellow & red peppers, squash, green beans, sweeet peas, cabbage, lettuces, brocolli, califlower, zuchini, corn, cucumbers, strawberries, watermelon, honeydew melon, pumpkins, onions, carrots, brussle sprouts, lots of flowers & I’m sure I’m forgetting something…..

    Anyway, I really want to try spinach this year! Also, I would love to grow asparagus- but it takes too long. There is nothing like seeing all of our three boys in the garden working together with us- its the greatest time of the year for us here. We have an acre of back yard with 2 different gardens. My husband gets all “child-like” when he gets to rev up his tiller!

    You are going to just LOVE the way gardening brings your family together, not to mention all the yummy produce and your suntanned glow!

    Happy Gardening!



    We were just discussing this today. Hope to have my tiller in the shop next week and can start to work on getting food into the ground. I need to go ahead and start some seedlings though. Plan, plan, plan.

    Karen Smith

    We love gardening! There is nothing better than grazing in the garden during the summer and enjoying the fruits of your labors during the winter. My husband is so looking forward to gardening this year that he hauled his cold frame to the garden and planted spinach yesterday. 🙂

    We have a large organic garden and have grown just about everything possible to grow in northern Illinois. This year we are planning on growing about eight varieties of tomatoes, eight varieties of peppers, sweet corn, onions, shallots, several varieties of lettuce and spinach, snap peas, potatoes, tomatillos, cucumbers, summer and winter squash, dried beans, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, eggplant, carrots, rutabaga, parsnips, turnips, asparagus, rhubarb, basil, oregano, sage, mint, rosemary, and fennel.

    We also grow peaches, apples, blueberries, strawberries, plums, mulberries, currants, grapes, and raspberries. We hope to one day put in a cherry tree or two and maybe a pear.

    My husband says the real purpose of our garden is to grow salsa! 🙂

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