Starting Nature Study with a Teen

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  • Julesiana

    We have only been homeschooling for 2 years and are just finding our “groove”.

    I am just homeschooling an almost 13 yr. old.  we started when she turned 11.

    I know she would benefit from Nature Study, but I am unsure how to  start.  I want her to feel it is valuable and not “babyish”.  She is not crazy about drawing or writing (we are addressing this in other parts of our day).  She does enjoy being out of doors.

    So I am interested in ideas of techinque/style; frequency; duration; and any help with only child-young teen  and nature study.


    Would she enjoy photography? Both of my older girls (now graduated) loved photography as teens. (They still do, actually.) Taking photos of nature might feel less “babyish” than drawing. If you both have cameras, you could make it an outing, taking photos in whatever setting you’re in then sharing your photos with each other afterwards. As my girls got older, I think it helped for them to feel like we were doing nature study together, rather than feeling like it was something I was assigning them. Though I used to draw with them, too, being photographers felt more mature and edgy (in a good way) somehow. One of my daughters used to have her favorite nature photos printed and make them into notecards, and eventually she even used these as a fundraiser at an arts and crafts show.


    I don’t know why I didn’t think of photography!!!  Brilliant!

    I think going out with her is a great idea, too!  Adding relationship to the learning and observing.


    Thanks for the link, my search was fruitless.

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