Starting Monday, need advice

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    We start our first year homeschooling Monday and I need confirmation from the experts, lol. I made out a very impressive looking schedule for us too start next week but then I listened to “reaching your child’s heart” from SCM and am now realizing in order to reach my ds heart that I am going to have to scale back on my plans. He was failing 5th grade especially math, when I pulled him out in April. He had gotten to where he hated school and everything about learning. We are starting back on 2nd grade math with Math Mammoth and the beginning LOF. I have also came to realize that there is at least one LD if not more that we need to deal with. We will be starting Brain Integration Therapy by Dianne Craft.

    My question is this… Should I just spend the first 6 weeks or so on the basic subjects and try to bring back a love for learning and gradually add in the extras one at a time? Or go ahead and put it all out there from the beginning and see how it goes?


    I’m no expert, but I’d say go slow.


    If there’s an extra that you just know he will love, perhaps you could do that and the basics and then gradually add others. Starting slow & simple helps to not ovewhelm the children or mom! Especially if he was having difficulties & you want to foster a love for learning.


    A couple thoughts for you.  

    -If he was failing in school when you pulled him out, make sure that he has many, many successes when you start back.  

    -I would vote for taking it slow, too.  

    -Find something he is interested in studying and let that be part of your school day.

    -Keep to short lessons.  I think many of us feel the need to push to “catch up” and extend lesson times.  Short, consistent lessons will help make progress and minimize frustration.

    -Games are great for math skills.  Maybe incorporate some into your school time?

    Those are my random thoughts for tonight….  🙂



    Math Mammoth has a long list of online links for math games.  We use LOTS of those to reinforce lessons learned.  I agree with the take it slow vote.  School was probably rushed and frenzied for him.  Home should be peaceful and encouraging.


    Thanks ladies!! I had that gut feeling but wanted to be sure. 🙂


    Also be sure to start at or below his level to help build up his confidence.

    For further help, post your schedule here.

    My 4th grader has been hs from the beginning and we have done 8 (tough) days of school. I wish I would have started back slowly after our 6 weeks off. But we are starting to get back into it. We haven’t done any new math lessons yet because I felt that would be too much yet at this point. Maybe we will cover more math next week. I am tempted to go faster to catch up but that would be pointless if I leave him behind in the dust without enough understanding. Also no extras yet for us except playing music and doing Scripture memory. We will add poetry, hymns, picture study, etc. with time.


    I pulled my son out of PS at the end of his 4th grade year.  He was failing nearly everything as well.  He does have at least one LD.  We went very slow starting out, choosing to do math and LA with Bible and literature almost exclusively until after Christmas. The less you make it resemble school the better.  If you don’t get history done at all this year, don’t sweat it.  You can choose some of the history selections for lit read alouds. If you don’t do any science besides nature study, no big deal. Remember that educational computer games (especially for math drill or spelling) can be great tools.  Also, watching documentaries or period films can really add to your son’s education.  Netflix has lots of good options if you have it.One other thing I would recommend is to limit video games and recreational TV watching at this time if you haven’t been.  Spend as much time as you can doing things together – nature walks, biking, board games, etc.  And consider getting him involved in some kind of activity such as music lessons, scouting, 4H, sports, swimming, Lego club, etc.  If he is a very social child you may have issues with him wanting to be back at school with friends.  It will be more effort to maintain existing friendships, but not impossible.  You may find a co op a Google soption for making new ones.  Definitely find support from like-minded moms if at all possible.  This forum is great, but it’s not the same as having someone to talk to face to face or on the phone.


    I had both my older girls in PS until 4th and 5th grades. One of them has a learning differnce (we are also using Dianne Craft’s methods for a while to help her Auditory Processing Disorder). 

    And do you know what I honestly think? They don’t do picture study, music study, nature study, Shakespeare, etc. in PS. These are the things that are SO COOL about a CM education that make it different and FUN! In my opinion, delaying these things denies your child the chance to see beyond PS and start to heal his heart regarding learning and his own struggles because there are no right or wrong answers in these subjects and they only take 5-10 minutes a time, except the nature study. 

    I would start with one or two required subjects like math and reading, but make sure that you add in all the fun things now. It will help him change his attitude about hating school and help him find one thing that he is passionate about. This happened with my dd that was struggling so hard with health and related learning difficulties. She discovered Nature Study, and through it, science as a subject isn’t so scary. She LOVES nature walks and finding things to discover. I let that be her success through her nature journal. She felt no stress about doing it right and on time. After your son has a chance to have some success with this most basic schedule, slowly add in more formal study of science and history.  

    Combine a few subjects together. For example, listen to literature out loud while he builds lego kits or does other things with his hands. It is a fabulous way to introduce him to the classics of literature in a very non-threatening, overwhelming way. We have started doing puzzles as a family this way and love it. 

    We do creative art (watercoloring painting, pastels, drawing, clay, etc) while listening to classical music. It has been proven that classical music brings an overly stressed, tired brain (think kids with LD) to a resting place and helps them be ready for the next onslaught of information overload. Use lots of opportunities to play it very softly in the background.

    I agree with 4myboys about the documentaries and her other suggestions. 

    You are not going to ruin your child. He will heal and grow just fine as you take it short and slow. =)


    Oh thank you all!! I feel very encouraged!! Here is what I had planned for the basic subjects.

    History – SCM module 1 ( he is very interested in learning about the bible)

    Science – 106 days of creation

    Literature- audio books from the enrichment list 1

    Language arts- Queens Language Lessons for the Elementary Child

    I think we will defiantly look into the documentaries. Do you have any to suggest?

    Sheraz, I like your idea of doing the cool stuff and adding in the others later.

    I think I may start with math and history(since he is excited about the bible part and we can get in our reading also)


    Oh, the QueenLL has some fun picture study built in! LOF is a great choice for math too.

    I think the best thing that happened to our hs that has spilled over to enrich our everyday family life is a new love and appreciation for classical music. I love Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto. It is great to lift a bad mood. If your ds is familiar with older Looney Toons he may like Rossini as some of his music was used in the cartoons.

    For Netflix there is a George Washington documentary my ds9 has watched about 5 times. We have also watched one on Jefferson and one on Dolly Madison. Ken Burns The Story of America is good. We have seen some on Egypt but it was a few years ago and I don’t remember which ones. There are a lot of good choices on there. They also have Creatures that Defy Evolution for science.


    There are lots of Ancient Egypt documentaries from National Geographic that show inside the pyramids, the tombs, temples, and other places that show what the hieroglyphics have to say about the Ancient Egyptian way of life. We really liked this one:

    We haven’t seen these but they look interesting:

    BBC The Mystery of the Rosetta Stone

    BBC Life and Death in the Valley of the Kings

    I find documentaries all the time on YouTube. I am careful about who I choose to watch, but there are so many cool things out there. 

    We have also enjoyed the Drive thru History shows:…0.0…

    The National Gallery of Art has a free education department that lets you check out VHS/DVD’s about all kinds og things. We checked out some about Ancient Egypt and learned a lot – we saw King Tut’s fancy gold jewelry up close. My kids still recognize it as his. 😉 It is free to join, you have the videos for 2 months, and pay to ship them back. It costs me less than $3 fto mail it back 2 videos.

    Here are some old threads with some fun ideas for module one:

    I do the same thing with nature/science videos. Sometimes I make them draw a picture of an animal (or thing we are studying) and a certain number of things that they learned about the animal. So my 5th grade dd has to remember 5 things, my 4th grade dd has to remember 4 things, etc.




    I forgot about Drive Thru History. There are some on Netflix and they are all on iTBN or on the TBN on the Roku. We, including dh, love them! There are some threads on here about shows on Netflix that might give you more ideas.


    Definitely agree with going slow.  

    I WISH I had added the “fun” things to begin with – Nature Study, Picture Study, Composer Study, Poetry, Shakespeare, Art, Music.  I have discovered that my son LOVES poetry.  So for this year, I let him choose the weekly order of the fun subjects.  Definitely recommend to add those in, even if just one fun subject a day.  

    We love the Drive Thru History DVDs.  We also used some video excerpts and pictures from this website:



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