I am planning on starting school (Kindergarten) on Monday. I am basically following the 5-year plan on this website but I added a few things in (Beautiful Feet Early American for History, Outdoor Secrets for Science, Art Lab for Little Kids for art instruction). I added those things in because my K’er is almost 6. However, now that I am looking over all of our lessons, I am getting really stressed! It looks like a lot of reading and just a lot of work in general. I was going to attempt starting everything on Monday, maybe that is where my stress is coming from? Maybe I should start with Bible + one other subject and just add a new subject every 3-4 days? Also, I don’t think that our reading, writing, and math are very CM friendly. I bought it all last year though (got ahead of myself) and wanted to use those materials so they don’t go to waste. All I know is that I am panicking and I don’t think I should be panicking about K! I really don’t think I can get through all this reading and all these lessons with 3 kids under 6…
I wonder if I should just go back to the basics as talked about on the preschool page of this website. (1) Focus on the foundations: habits, outdoor play, read-alouds, and Bible. (2) Include enrichment and beauty: handicrafts, art, music, poetry. (3) Gently introduce academics as the child is ready: reading, writing, and math.
As of right now, it doesn’t look like we’d even have time for read-alouds, after all of our other reading!
The thing is, he is almost 6 so I guess I just feel pressured! Definitely panicking, help! I had a great year planned but wonder if I over did things. I don’t want to over do it, but I don’t want to under do it either!! Maybe it is a matter of easing into the school year.
I am losing sleep, so I look forward to your wisdom!
We have all been there. I have a 4th, 2nd, and K this year. We have homeschooled from the beginning. I bought a full scale curriculum for my oldest in K too. It was entirely unnecessary and burned him out on school. Now? I am doing phonics, a simple math checklist I created for K, and handwriting. It takes about a half hour. Other than that we read a lot. She can read so I let her get books at the library and I read aloud to all my kids everyday.
I would say to definitely go slow. Play a lot. You have so many years. I know the pressure is there but I promise you will be glad.
Thanks! Play a lot… I know. My oldest is complaining a lot lately about me not having any time to play with them because I always have “so much work”. I am always focused on school (mostly planning right now) or household responsibilities. I don’t know how to get out of this rut but it is stressful! I really do want to just play with my kids though :/
1) as a mother of four, I wish I had worried less about the early years with my oldest, who is going into 6th grade. Those years are meant to be sweet and happy with lots of time outside, exploring, learning good habits, listening to good stories, drawing, painting, playing with Legos and sticks and play dough, etc. Academics come soon enough.
2) Your son is nearly 6yo so are you wanting to keep things very simple with him (i.e. kindergarten type work and play) or step it up a bit to more formal work (i.e. reading lessons, writing lessons, basic math lessons, etc.)? It’s really just a choice you need to make based on your son’s maturity and his desire to learn these things. If he has no interest in learning letters or how to read, then maybe you could just keep it simple for now. But if he’s chomping at the bit, then go for it!
But please remember that he is still so very young and there’s no need to feel any pressure. I once read a quote by John Taylor Gatto (a former public schoolteacher and author) that everything the educational system takes 12 years to teach could be taught to a young adult without any formal learning in 50 days. I’m not sure exactly how true that timeline is, but the point is that when a child is cognitively ready to learn, they will pack in “grades” of work in very short periods of time. So don’t feel pressured!
I hope this is helpful. I would encourage you to keep things very simple and to find peace in that. Your son will pick up on your stress and it will turn something that’s supposed to be fun and exciting into stressful work. Just my opinions! 🙂
I am starting kindergarten with my daughter and JrK with my youngest son this year as my oldest 2 sons are graduated. I am getting to do what I wish I had done with the first set of kids. Here is a link to my plan for the year- maybe it will help.
My plan for my 3rd child K year is… Practice reading (would start teaching if she didn’t already read), math, handwriting, and then reading stuff together. She will join in on things like picture study, nature study, etc. with olders. We won’t likely do everything each day either.
First relax. You can delay your first day of school until you figure out plans that will work for you. There have been many books I have bought that did not work for us. I sold them and bought something else to try. Many times I get overzealous and plan too much and bring unnecessary stress into my life. Then I have to take a step back and re-think what is most important and how to get there. We had a rough few weeks back to school and now I have cut out a few things that we could add in another time. Life should not be this stressful. I also decided we need a chore system in place so I am spending time on that now. But in the end, having a system that works for us will save us time and reduce stress.
Besides Large Family Logistics, also look into Educating the Wholehearted Child by Clay and Sally Clarkson – it is CM too.
What about alternating history, your read aloud, & science? You can even take two years on it and finish next year for 1st grade if you need to. We have also become more relaxed for K with each additional child, but I think part of that is because we are busier teaching the older ones (and the younger ones get somewhat involved in their lessons as well). While I don’t think you should force your K’er to sit for tons of lessons, I don’t see anything wrong with planning some materials to keep him busy. Just keep watch that it isn’t becoming too much (and don’t be afraid to call off school for the day if they just want to play).
I think adding the subjects in slowly sounds like a great idea. We did this last year and had added quite a few by mid-year. It also gave me time to research how i wanted to implement each additional subject.
Alternate history, read-alouds, and science… GREAT idea! Yes, I am just trying to plan enough to keep him busy. It gets a little crazy here when 3 boys have “nothing to do” ;).
My other weakness though is that I have all these “teachers guides” and I am feeling like I really SHOULD do every idea in them. Which would take forever! I need to resist!
Thanks everyone for all the suggestions! I am feeling much better now. Can’t wait to check out the books recommended.
HSMom03 ~ I’m so glad to see that you are feeling better now about starting out. I love the advice given to you. I think just about all of us can identify with your original sense of panic.
You also have lots of great ideas of your own such as easing into things. That’s one thing we do every Fall. We start with a few things and then layer in the rest.
You also mentioned focusing on the basics such as habits. That helps us when we practice good habits and thus the subjects tend to fall right into place.
Please continue to make those teacher manuels work for you and NOT make you work for the manuels.
On the “nothing to do” ~ I’ve read where some moms will make a to-do list/chart in which chores, exercise, certain independent studies and so on are to be completed while the others are studying or meeting with their Mom.
Hope you continue to feel at peace about it all. And when you don’t – look at this great support you’ve recieved from the others already!
My DD just turned 5 and she is my oldest. Technically we’re starting kindergarten, but we’re so relaxed she doesn’t really even know what that means :). I’m literally following the preschool advice on this website – habits, discipline, bible, handicrafts, skills, nature, lots of play. We read a lot too, and I’m working with her informally on that. Mainly I want her to develop a love for reading – the skill will soon follow. I have no set schedule, no curriculum.
I’ve read from so many seasoned moms on here who wished they hadn’t done so much curriculum with their young ones, to just go slow and enjoy the years, so I’ve taken that advice to heart. My mind tells me to buy and plan a full curriculum, sign her up for classes, sit her down for worksheets and lessons, etc. But my heart whispers to me – to keep living a sweet gentle life with her, teaching her thru all sorts of times in our days. So that’s what I’m doing.
The most recent blog post on Contentment really sealed that in my heart.
Edited: I do have the math u see primer DVD, I plan on exploring that with her. I also plan on exploring things she seems interested in – mostly certain animals 🙂
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