I have an 8th grader who is really lacking in the language Arts dept. She is a good reader, and her comprehension is great but her writing is lacking. I had purchased Using Language Well thinking I could use it to gently get her caught up but I didn’t realize that it is suppose to be done over 2 years per book. I would really appreciate any advice on how to catch her up without over whelm both of us (which is very easy to do). Could I just do every other lesson in ULW or double the amount of lessons each week? SHe also is a bad speller so I wanted to do Spelling Wisdom with her but of course ran into the same problem. Thanks for all your help in advance!
One possibility would be to decide not to worry about completing all of the books and just go with the “any growth in this area is good” mind-set. Just do two lessons per week and see how far she gets.
Another possibility would be to complete four Using Language Well lessons per week but require only two of them as dictation. Either you or she could decide which two would need to be prepared for dictation; or maybe you pick one of the four and she could pick the other one. Doing four lessons per week would allow you to finish a book in one year. She would get the benefit of reading and working with all the passages but not be overwhelmed by trying to prepare four for dictation every week.
Maybe you can tweak one of those ideas to work for you, or maybe they will help you think of a totally different solution. 🙂
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