starting a new language


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  • petitemom

    I am thinking to start doing Spanish.

    We have been doing French so far but it is my first language, the kids speak it (w/my constent reminding) and I have them read 10 minutes a day. I just do not think I want to get into the grammar. I personaly think French Grammar is insane!

    If I was to start Spanish how do you go about it? I know CM recommands hearing and speaking first, are there any programs that focus on that first.

    My kids will be 10 and 12 in the fall. They did Spanish in public school and hated it because of the approach. It cannot be something babyish.


    bump – i’m curious about starting multiple languages too


    Still wondering about that! What are the Spanish programs that follow a CM approach?

    Joanne Downing

    I’d be interested in knowing of anything too!

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