Starting a CM Co-op


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  • MrsB

    Hi there, I’m Beth and new to SCM. I’ve been using CM methods in our homeschool for over 6 years, but we use HOD for simplicity, since I have 8 children and the youngest 7 are 9 and under (the oldest is 15 and we’ve homeschooled the whole time.)

    I purchsed the SCM Living and Learning DVDs and notebooks and am hosting a CM parent’s group this summer. So far, its gone very well, and the moms are really enjoying learning about CM. I am contemplating startging a CM Co-op, but I’d like to understand how others do this, so I can decide if it would be too much work on my part.

    What does a CM coop look like for you?

    Are all the ages together?

    What do  you do with little ones?

    How do the moms help?

    With all of my little ones, I do not want to commit to something that will have us busy and break up that quiet learning time that we are striving for next year. Any advice is welcome. Thanks.


    I lead a CM co-op, River City Homeschool Adventures, in Jacksonville, FL. You can see our scope and sequence, structure, etc. at our site. I’ve posted here many times about starting a co-op, you should be able to search them. Also, do check for ideas, it’s fabulous.

    Pray is the first key.




    Mrs.B – I can’t help with the co-op but wanted to say hi!  Your family sounds close to mine in ages.  My oldest is 13, then the other 7 are age 9 and under.  Too fun!


    Thanks, Christie for the co-op info. I’ll keep praying and considering if I have the time to put into it.

    Tristan, thanks for saying hello. Homeschooling lots of kiddos is a challenge. We have 6 years betwen the oldest, so just as I was beginning his formal homeschooling, we had a baby a year (just about.) Its been an interesting journey, and I try to hold myself to the standards that I see on blogs with 2 or 3 kidddos. Balancing the nees of a high schooler, elementary ages, preshcoolers and toddlers is mind-numbing at times. Lol.


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